Additional comparative insight into the related analyses from
performance data reflects the impact of historical economic development
decisions and limited focus optimization strategies. Updating with
the FY2011 reported performance confirms the conceptual perspective relevance
with expected (and acceptable range) variances.
The benefit from this analysis structure provides the performance
summary relative to optimization impact explanations consistent with the Basic
Summary of the Business Process guide:
Idea Development & Resource Acquisition <==> Wealth + Equity Ownership Distributions
Resource Conversions [Product
Development + Manufacturing] <==> Labor + Wages and Employment
Distribution <==> Infrastructure Development [Taxation
Revenue Impact]
Financial Capital Profitability <==> Global Development and Financial Investment
Also recall from the Summary of Corporate Performance Analysis Supplement
blog post:
*Adjusting for the represented
company's negative performance for Europe in the Resource Conversion and
Distribution phases, the regional performances would respectively be
approximately 10.1% and 10.5%. Conceptually, the
European social policy structure has a less than 2% impact on Manufacturing
performance compared to the United States.