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August 27, 2012

Industry Economic Relationships and Performance (Revisited)

Using the basic analysis of United States 2010 performance comparison from the Business Summary Performance Comparison presentations and applying revenues from the top 500 companies allocated by Business Phase, the perspective economic system performance impact specific to "fraternity" religion politics influenced policy development and the Financial industry is more evident.

The business performance phases with greater influences on labor and salary earnings, Idea Development and Resource Manufacturing, encompassed 51% to 58% of system revenues and 43% of profits. The financial industry performance of 2010 is accredited 29% of revenues and 40% of profits also evident from previous industry performance analyses as systemically less beneficial.

August 15, 2012

Human Value Social Capital

                                                                                             document version added 12.6.2012

Ideological Consideration:
(I) Economic + Social development system;
(II) Constitutional Legal + Economic development system;
(III) Social + Religion development system [relevant to
(IV) Constitutional Legal protection and Human rights governance system development].

"Can organized authority system claim power + control for situational developments and not reference leverage factors targeting situational individual 'morality' inferences?"
ECMAnalyst, November 24, 2011

August 12, 2012

Human Value Social Capital Basic Summary of Business Process

The analyses documents are presented to reflect the system basis protection of human interrelated development relationships relevant to governance and corporate business economics. Specific implications related to the development levels for any Country or economic region are not definitively intended in consideration of the globally interrelated political systems. Investment focus and allocations will vary depending upon development levels governance. However, the primary objective is a perspective of distributed economic activity among the Basic Summary Business Process phases as measured through a revenue evaluation of index listed companies. Social, Cultural, and Economic influences of related development are reflected within all levels of the valued social+economic relationships (Basic Summary of Business Process factors).

August 2, 2012

Corporate Performance Comparison Summary [continued]

In presenting the 2010 performance summary analyses, explained was the calculation methodology of sampled companies and industry groups applicable non-weighted averaging financial performance with possible business activity in other described industry areas. The up to date 2011 performance summary adds support to previous analyses and provides additional perspective to international political economic relationship developments:
  • Industrial development impacts and influences of Europe and the United States,
  • Source of mineral resources and emerging manufacturing developments of Central and South America, plus
  • The emerged development petroleum industry economic influences from Asia, Africa, and the Middle East regions.