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February 27, 2012

Competitive Economy Development: Corporations and Social Value II

Additional comparative insight into the related analyses from performance data reflects the impact of historical economic development decisions and limited focus optimization strategies. Updating with the FY2011 reported performance confirms the conceptual perspective relevance with expected (and acceptable range) variances. The benefit from this analysis structure provides the performance summary relative to optimization impact explanations consistent with the Basic Summary of the Business Process guide:

Idea Development & Resource Acquisition <==> Wealth + Equity Ownership Distributions
Resource Conversions [Product Development + Manufacturing] <==> Labor + Wages and Employment
Distribution <==> Infrastructure Development [Taxation Revenue Impact] 
Financial Capital Profitability <==> Global Development and Financial Investment

Also recall from the Summary of Corporate Performance Analysis Supplement blog post:  *Adjusting for the represented company's negative performance for Europe in the Resource Conversion and Distribution phases, the regional performances would respectively be approximately 10.1% and 10.5%. Conceptually, the European social policy structure has a less than 2% impact on Manufacturing performance compared to the United States.

January 27, 2012

Perspective Summary Theory: Systems[Methods] Analyses Introduction

A thought exercise of important relevant explanations to societal economic development governance policies. Theological "family" and human identity derivative themes are also evident within the economic, political, social relationships development. Although just a preliminary presentation, the opening for strategic discussion would be the contributions derivative impact relative to authority ideology [revision to summary theory presentation is a possibility]Theoretically, ritual derivatives (relationship exploitations) attempt to establish "family" authority control networks to maintain economic development structures of corporate designated resource decisions.

Primary issue (problem) with the White | Black ethnic+racial discussion paradigm ["geneticide" psychology] economics:
skin color--> Ethnicity--> Race--> Identity--> Industry--> Economics (hierarchy)-->  financial investment development [limits focus]

November 27, 2011

2011 College Football Conference Performance

*December 4, 2011 update with completed regular season performances.

Opening for Interpretations!

November 26, 2011