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May 10, 2010

Explanation and Critique of Quadrant Labels: Individual and Social

The labels used in the Assets and Values blog post were, as previously stated, personally derived through observation of political communications and societal descriptions via commentary and publications. The Social designation assumes a governing philosophy of shared responsibility for the community to ensure care for the human condition. Further extrapolation of this description with varying degrees of adaptability reflects a political view of government’s role in society through institutions and programs for protection of citizens; ensuring healthcare; security; limits to risk of loss against economic fluctuations in employment; and extreme inequality.

The Individual label description was based upon a promoted political ideology by the conservative groups that have historically influenced policy. Their position is that the individual has control and influence to determine his/her economic success. In a Democratic-capitalist society, this concept supports the psychological desire of its citizens to believe that their hard work and ability will determine the level of success and wealth. Important to effectively sustain this philosophy is the assurance of equal and fair opportunity; legal protection and treatment; access to necessary economic input factors; and individual freedoms outside of community and social organizational hierarchy. Talent and ideas should be allowed to prosper and flourish within the law beyond the confines of any potential hierarchal limits exclusive of tests of loyalty and morality. Without this criterion the Individual label identification is generally less applicable given the varying degrees of adaptability and application.

Political governance assuming the Individual philosophy would unintentionally lead to the devaluation of community institutions necessary for healthy development of a thriving society by claiming parents solely responsible for children / family welfare. This would exclude the contributive impact of the family church; children’s schools; social organizations such as Boys' and Girls' Club, Boys' and Girls' Scouts, summer camps, Little League, and all other participative organizations.
The only useful political purpose of the Individual philosophy would be to transfer economic burden to reduce budgets and impact the public where resources are needed the most. The destabilizing impact of such budget cutting politics are somewhat reflected in Greece, Portugal, Italy, and Spain. Deficits and debt levels are an issue along with some other unique problems specific to the European Union. Currently, three of the five (3 of 5) countries experiencing the worst of the economic downturn are in the Individual-Conservative quadrant and four of the five (4 of 5) identified represent the Conservative section of the graphic. The first place I would begin to investigate for a possible solution would be the wealth and earnings distribution (levels of inequality).

Reported importance of religion in daily life from a statistical sample of opinion from the populations!