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March 21, 2011

Metropolitan Based History of Economic Development

Economic development has historically occurred within cities as a result of a collective marketplace of goods, service offerings, employment, & entrepreneurial opportunities. Photos in this blog post reflect historic locations of metropolitan economic developments. An important fact to notice is the concentration of development between the 45°N to 15°N lines of latitude. The benefits of collective interest based Economics are evident in metro development as are decision impact differences and influences among Education, Social Well-being, and budgeting priorities of Social-Political community agreement processes (Southern political philosophy development correlation) resulting from taxation policy & allocations. Suburban development is the beneficiary of successful metropolitan economic development expansion to reduce population overcrowding. The Metropolitan Areas Development Metric analysis supports the fact that city and urban development leads (leading indicator) to statewide economic development attributable to collective resources utilization. 
The advantage of using the Development Metric calculation method minimizes the variability impact of population and economic activity estimates from Wikipedia and the CIA World Fact book (or any other data source) against data manipulation or claims of inaccuracy. The variability of estimates has very little impact relative to the comparative calculated Development Metric value.