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September 2, 2011

Corporate Performance Comparisons: United States, Latin America, Europe, and Asia

This presentation represents a continuing effort to reflect a comparative business industry dynamic and additional explanatory comments may be required. Nonetheless, using available reported performance information on international companies / industries within the outlined segments does create a profile for discussion around economic strategy, development, policies, and corporate relationships.

Corporate business benefits from certain control systems that warrant review against legal protections to men and women's individual rights' issues including provisioned civil rights conflicts of interest reviews against any fraternal leveraged contract exploitation(s) where necessary [outside the Civil Rights Legal Division religious organizational influences].

Performance variances among the regions have to consider interpretive differences in geographical competitive markets, market structures, and  development status. The companies were selected based upon publicly available performance information categorized using company provided descriptive business summaries relative to regional industry. The performance percentage summary is a non-adjusted, non-weighted average of the 2010 performance impacted by representative selection. Nonetheless, the comparison provides insight into relative performances and regional policy economic system development structures.