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September 23, 2016

Politics and Regional Trade

The politics of regional trade agreements are the attempt to “harmonize” legal framework around ideals conducive to development while introducing Democratic societal functions. In a sense, exporting Democracy using corporate economic governance to open markets accessing capital which accelerates corporate acquisitions leading to corporate dislocation and employment issues at “home.” Relative to the basic process of business management, the environment created is one of Mergers and Acquisition versus Research and Development for growth within regional territories. Imbalances get reflected in regional areas where development has historically been concentrated to a specific industry limiting the ability to rebound from disruption.

Disruption occurs when regions that have historically been driven by, even dominated by religion governance ideals meet democracy’s ideal of human individual freedoms as basis for trade economics. The Morality conundrum. American politics’ overemphasis on racial relations from the religious perspective of Moral behaviours simply to protect political demography leveraging Black | White morality economics. Internationally, the struggle appears to be regional cultures' emphasis on homogeneity of religious practices preventing economic development and skepticism of the American democracy derived from a history of struggles to protect civil rights.

Thus, the basic harmony reflects the best of American ideals and practices with country region governance where compatible to establish an acceptable structure to begin economic trade among societies while protecting already established and developing interests. “Corporate flight” is a calculated interest of market profitability taking advantage of market openings and a perspective of equivalence to the American market protections. It is also the source of initial dislocations at “home” until a new balance is achieved within employment politics.