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November 14, 2016

Tech and Television

Much of the current Silicon Valley M&A activity is the related to the digitization of Industrial America with social interactivity. The developments are creating new segments within industry including distribution channels. This digital segmentation is also creating pricing opportunities in response to financial earnings pressures and future value. Television is where the M&A caused disorder is most evitable. Technology has enhanced media content and digital has created multiple avenues to distribute content against existing broadcast systems. From traditional broadcast TV to cable TV to satellite TV to wifi video streaming, digital segmentation is making video content available for all customer viewing experiences of technology usage: the desktop PC, laptops, tablets, phones, television, and other mobility devices.

Telecoms traditionally are primed to focus on digital platform system traffic categorized as talk, text and data. M&A activity such as Verizon + Yahoo and AT&T + Direct TV + Time Warner are varied examples of data strategies of content focus. Verizon targeting social media communications of video with news, blogging, opinion talk and text. AT&T targeting video content data usage from satellite TV premium programming of pay TV for internet technology. Thus, creating channel specific content development based upon segment pricing for the various blocks of programming such as sports, politics, news, and the various genres of movie making providing other revenue sources in addition to the traditional advertising business model.

In essence, a cable TV and satellite TV distribution strategy using the multitude of content with pricing strategies to group content and digital channels of distribution to usage experiences. AT&T’s strategy appears that of a vertically integrated telecom with TV network capabilities applied to the digital segmentation created by expanding technology for influence over content creation. An increasing international demand for American big budget movie productions (primarily China) will impact segmented distribution strategies by the sheer volume of a combined American and Chinese audience and distribution channel economics.