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Showing posts with label [DC-NY-FL-GA-ALA]. Show all posts
Showing posts with label [DC-NY-FL-GA-ALA]. Show all posts

October 9, 2011

Regional Planning and Development

Development Metric and U.S. Organized Fraternal "religion" Ideology Economic Development Systems (Reasons to improve Development Governance Ideology):

  • Also related to economics of U.S. Southern Plan agreements and "family" relocation as a youth from Massachusetts to Alabama via my mother's marriage [social policy plan obligation??] Alabama politically influenced directives: US Army; "fraternal black family" religion [beliefs/system (methods)]; [Intelligence organization network ethnic+racial social policy, demographic influences, & "church" geography + Humankind agreements];  Pre-1970s Southern "church" future economic strategic planning [since 1965 civil rights legislation].
  • Economics reflect cumulative implementation of political policies influenced through the incorporation of beliefs + interpretations. [Southeast region: lagging U.S. economic development metric indications; Asian + German auto assembly (import market access); conservative ideology against industry employee collective bargaining for non-executive levels; conservative Republican political ideology based leadership (organized relationship beliefs management) of economic distribution variability reflected in collegiate football industry economics].
  • Can organized authority system claim power + control for situational developments and not reference leverage factors targeting situational individual morality inferences?
  • Fraternal conservative political organizations' "morality" economics exploitation [industry and technology] control and protection system methods of influence [re: Alabama Files + Black "family" infiltration secret cover for Southern Plan ethnic+racial "family" policy + political leveraged entertainment industry economics]. Humankind conservative political finance, genetic science knowledge usage relative to [informal policy] religion beliefs, influenced usage of stereotypes and organization structure; civil rights "order" "royalty" economics plan?? 
  • Sex identity 'ego' social psychology creates politically beneficial "morality" exploitations:  Industry fraternal privileges designed around sex identity 'ego' psychological economic hierarchy reasoning; Fraternal industry economics for non-public inter-ethnic relationships; political leverage policy support influence; distraction from the privacy and civil rights violations to obtain information; limits social-economic healthy, balanced competitive intellectual male development psychology.
  • Strategic reflections: Educational economic value development versus political demographic [ethnic+racial identity religion based] voting group numbers advantage [value development vs. volume development].
  • History of human civilization economic development notes that all previous development expansions are preceded by political organizations' policy disagreement constructs; wealth accumulation concentrations; and demographic morality policies of ethnic+racial heterosexual relationships & authority.