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Showing posts with label Business Development Economic Systems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Business Development Economic Systems. Show all posts

March 17, 2015

Review: [Business System's Concepts] Social-Economic-Cultural

Reviewing some of the economic activity within the United States since internet introduction of ECMAnalyst provides some perspective of the Comparative Business System Competitiveness Development Analyses and opportunities to adjust where necessary for evolving industry management businesses and systems.

Noted Industry Business News: 
  • Energy Resources Management and Distribution;
  • Digital Computing Automotive Innovation Technologies and Manufacturing [economic base International Expansion];
  • EV charge networks; 
  • Economic politics of Cultural Business Systems within regional geography management & capital developments [?? volume, value management & finance systems' cultural psychology  ??].

Thus, providing a basis for the analytical review of the Comparative Business System industry relationships presentation with specificity to the business management relationships' conceptual applications.

July 9, 2013

Excerpts Review: Integrated Analytical Perspective Verification

Presented documents are a reflection of a specific evaluative basis for early statements related to recent analytical business economics and management systems variability/compatibility [ideological impacts] discussions.

June 25, 2013

Evaluation of Social Development Politics in Financial Economic Industry Systems

Provided within this presentation of selectively revised documents is a reflection of the interrelated relationships in industry corporate business systems relative to the politics of fraternal, family business management equity + wealth perspectives [including consideration of human relationship governance exploitations]. Relevant for comparison of social relationships ideology and human value social capital development systems and international financial economic political governance systems.

May 17, 2013

Societal Economic Business Systems [2011] Industry Performance Summary

Using the previously compiled societal financial economic performance analyses of 2011, many of the related ECMAnalyst theme relationships and social+political governance references are evident.

May 13, 2013

Societal Economic Business Systems [2010] Industry Performance Summary

Using the previously compiled societal financial economic performance analyses of 2010, many of the related ECMAnalyst theme relationships and social+political governance references are evident.

Ideological Consideration:
(I) Economic + Social development system;
(II) Constitutional Legal + Economic development system;
(III) Social + Religion development system [relevant to
(IV) Constitutional Legal protection and Human rights governance system development].

April 4, 2013

Analyses: Business Systems Development Relationships

Anticipated suggestions in consideration of continuous and beneficial international economic development systems.