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Showing posts with label Financial Capital. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Financial Capital. Show all posts

December 2, 2016

April 10, 2016

Political "Culture Economics" Impact on Principles of Capital [cont.(1)]

Planetary Resources, Wealth Accumulations

 Understanding the basic premise requires the recognition of relationships among the comparative business system within each industry and the ethnic politics for wealth equity and labor relative to the planetary resources supporting the global economic systems' financial capital; Additionally, the dependence of tax revenues for industry distribution infrastructure. Cultural influences on the social and the economic tended to emphasize financial capital creating governance vulnerabilities from obsessive governance of human relationships. Primarily driven by reproduction politics culture for "capitalism" of human capital wealth accumulations from family economic philosophy which does not cover the cost of business economics development phases consistent with human capital, social value [human value, social capital].

February 7, 2013

Industry, Governance, and Business Economic Systems Development

This evaluative analyses is a continuation from the September 20, 2012 auto industry discussion observations applicable to a general summary perspective of global industry economic activity. It is important to again specify that the noted business process summary related examples are not exclusive of each industry business system [development] structure. However, they are considered industry system competitive performance comparable development strengths relative to regional economic development levels consistent with social human rights (constitutional) protection and governance systems development.