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Showing posts with label Legal System. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Legal System. Show all posts

April 14, 2011

The United States Constitution with Amendments [Foundation]: A Moral Reflection of Evolved American Values

Constitutional development was a result of competing ideas on societal governance related to group or “family” differences of cultural traditions. The basis of the Constitution recognizes the relative importance of religious beliefs and various interpretations. To accommodate differing perspectives and remain consistent with the duty of societal governance, the document emphasized the protective liberties and rights of every person within the U.S. authority; including flexibility of the people to live according to these belief systems without violating individual/personal rights and related freedoms of choice. These initial recognitions were based upon religious moral foundation recognition of all Human Value existing within humanity since Earth’s creation.

Freedoms and choice recognition established within the legal and social design creates the adaptability within societal governance for a coexisting population. However, maintaining respect for individual human rights free from exploitation is a requirement. These include the right to choose a relationship partner irrespective of ethnicity and relationship commitment procreation decision rights anywhere in United States of America. Humankind manipulations that violate rights [human simulation] to alter development determinations inconsistent with this legal rule basis of society should be considered illegal acts and crimes against humanity.

Evidence of these intended protective rights and liberties are evidenced in the created organizational systems structure of governance: Executive, Legislative, and Judicial government segments; Individual rights and human protections; Religious independence recognized in separation of church and state; Federal and State legal systems with Appellate system processes as a balanced check against bias and concentrated power/loyalty/”family” authority rule; historical economic industry development and regulatory legislation.