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April 25, 2013

Societal Value of Social Development Economics Financial Investments

Investments to development of the societal interactions and commerce relative to the analyses business phases get reflected in the Resource Conversion, Distribution, and Financial Capital Profitability estimates. Preliminary calculations show the social benefits from corporate profitability of the development from 30% to +70% [profitability from the (RC+Dist+FCP) phases compared to Distribution segment revenues].

Referenced development investment includes Information Management economic systems, Financial Management Systems, Industrial Manufacturing and Social Transportation Systems, and Energy Development Management Systems. All relevant to Commerce + Social Development Systems Interactivity and provides the intellectual basis for the non-exploitative, protective social relationships + development economic politics.

April 4, 2013

Analyses: Business Systems Development Relationships

Anticipated suggestions in consideration of continuous and beneficial international economic development systems.

March 5, 2013

Business Systems Comparative II

This business economic systems comparative of economic relationships among industries is a reflection of the qualitative development collaborations and a contribution from the business politics development economics discussion. Although not applicable to all corporate business systems within industry, it is useful as a summary of the relative performance systems for the referenced industry economic segments.