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February 16, 2014

Excerpts Review

This reflection is similar to previously discussed perspectives. However, I have been developing relevant evaluative discussions adding dimension to the application of the Social Cultural Economic guide relevant to society and related Human Capital value. Specifically, the cultural equity claims on the social value derived from interrelated economic developments which provide some psychology insights into fraternity, racial+ethnicity politics, cultural governance agendas and relationships.

January 21, 2014

Perspective Relativity: Industry, Governance, and Business Economic Systems' Development [Review]

This is a continuation from the Perspectives[Evaluation] post compiling similarly referenced documents to emphasize the relativity of management relationships among Human Capital, Social Value [Human Value, Social Capital] applicable throughout business system organizations and governance [System?(Methods?) and related ethics].

Perspective Governance Management:

Social Cultural Economic
Present era timespacedimensions + society & industry relationship developments historical relationships of timespacedimension references + economic claims management Present era financial developments & future economic innovations

November 29, 2013

Social Relativity Perspective Governance and Politics

This perspective is a derivative of the human capital, social value [human value, social capital] discussions with emphasis on the non-exploitative human rights and protections within political governance related to all regions of the United States economic  development(s).