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August 14, 2013

Economic Development Comparative [Analytical Perspective Update]

The following presentation updates the comparative United States regional competitiveness evaluation from the 2010 SP500 corporate regional locations with industry categorization by economic development. Evidently reflecting Distribution and Resource Conversion-Manufacturing developments among all regions within anticipated locations of industry and international business relationships [when international investment in Southeast region is considered].
Explanatory notes of reference for presentation documents:
  • Performance and business system comparison based upon 2010 SP500 reported revenue performance.
  • Regional activity identified by corporate office State location using designated industry segment for initial category inclusion. 
  • Adjustments to company and industry segments for business phase identifiers were consistent with previous methods. Note: Some of the information technology industry companies are included as network infrastructure within Distribution.
  • Not reflected are the beneficiary economic impacts of foreign direct investment [Southeast manufacturing industry] nor the international business activity impacts [FCP] of the computer technology and auto industry networks.

July 9, 2013

Excerpts Review: Integrated Analytical Perspective Verification

Presented documents are a reflection of a specific evaluative basis for early statements related to recent analytical business economics and management systems variability/compatibility [ideological impacts] discussions.

June 25, 2013

Evaluation of Social Development Politics in Financial Economic Industry Systems

Provided within this presentation of selectively revised documents is a reflection of the interrelated relationships in industry corporate business systems relative to the politics of fraternal, family business management equity + wealth perspectives [including consideration of human relationship governance exploitations]. Relevant for comparison of social relationships ideology and human value social capital development systems and international financial economic political governance systems.