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January 21, 2014

Perspective Relativity: Industry, Governance, and Business Economic Systems' Development [Review]

This is a continuation from the Perspectives[Evaluation] post compiling similarly referenced documents to emphasize the relativity of management relationships among Human Capital, Social Value [Human Value, Social Capital] applicable throughout business system organizations and governance [System?(Methods?) and related ethics].

Perspective Governance Management:

Social Cultural Economic
Present era timespacedimensions + society & industry relationship developments historical relationships of timespacedimension references + economic claims management Present era financial developments & future economic innovations

November 29, 2013

Social Relativity Perspective Governance and Politics

This perspective is a derivative of the human capital, social value [human value, social capital] discussions with emphasis on the non-exploitative human rights and protections within political governance related to all regions of the United States economic  development(s).

October 12, 2013


Explained in the initial development of the 2011 performance summary presentation was the calculation sampling methodology of companies available performance information and the applicable industry groups non-weighted averaging financial performance and other related business industry segments activity. Intended to reflect a preliminary evaluative business system relationship perspective relative to political financial economic commentary. The following documents supplement previous summary performance evaluations within industry economic relationships.