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April 10, 2016

Political "Culture Economics" Impact on Principles of Capital [cont.(2)]

Morality exploitations social governance mgt [Nationalist ideologies]
Secondarily in discussion to Planetary Resources Wealth Accumulation are the roles of governance institutions and impact on capital; particularly, human capital. Cultural arguments tend to get reflected within regional histories of economic development including ethnic politics and gender economics. Primary to economic development is Idea Development, Resource Acquisition within a system of protection for intellectual property as well as other commodity resources. Morality cultural impacts tend to consolidate claims within wealth equity & ownership for a unified "family" political approach to community distorting the innovation principles necessary to take place for social capital development. Thus, using financial capital to aggregate ownership claims of Idea Development, Resource Acquisition from wealth accumulations of Planetary commodity Resource developments of governance systems, which conceptually reduces IDRA to labor economics managed through morality politics of distribution economics and demography.