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Showing posts with label Human Capital Social Value [Human Value Social Capital]. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Human Capital Social Value [Human Value Social Capital]. Show all posts

April 10, 2016

Political "Culture Economics" Impact on Principles of Capital [cont.(2)]

Morality exploitations social governance mgt [Nationalist ideologies]
Secondarily in discussion to Planetary Resources Wealth Accumulation are the roles of governance institutions and impact on capital; particularly, human capital. Cultural arguments tend to get reflected within regional histories of economic development including ethnic politics and gender economics. Primary to economic development is Idea Development, Resource Acquisition within a system of protection for intellectual property as well as other commodity resources. Morality cultural impacts tend to consolidate claims within wealth equity & ownership for a unified "family" political approach to community distorting the innovation principles necessary to take place for social capital development. Thus, using financial capital to aggregate ownership claims of Idea Development, Resource Acquisition from wealth accumulations of Planetary commodity Resource developments of governance systems, which conceptually reduces IDRA to labor economics managed through morality politics of distribution economics and demography. 

May 17, 2015

[Evidentiary] Perspective

Governance, Social Value Human Capital [Social Capital, Human Value], and Political Systems of fraternal psychology tend to focus on human relationships' ethnicity reproduction within a "morality" determinate exploitation of culture economics.  This applied to the various principles of governance politics and corporate economic development of social value emphasize the contrary vulnerabilities within ethnic culture "authority" ethics in political government systems for economic strategy "leveraging" social protections of Human Social Capital Value.

Perspective: Relativity Management Theory OF Comparative Business Systems  [February 5, 2015]
"A cultural psychology based within ethnicity religion authority reproduction social governance economics will evidently base conflict and economic ideologies of resource accumulations and allocations within the same fraternal exploit strategy to create ideological relationships. Such governance strategies establish a psychology of human ethnic relationships' exploitation leveraged by genealogy reproduction economic interests within ('ritual') politics of genetic culture economic business systems."

April 20, 2015

Social, Culture, Economic Business Systems and Governance Politics [III]

This is a contribution of explanatory ECMAnalyst related continuation discourse on incorporated Human Value Social Capital, Human Capital Social Value themes. The relativity of social politics are evident in addition to derivative fraternal agency influenced ethnic relationship strategies culture economic castle industry and human capital "family" economic regional development governance (based within religion authority "ritual" psychology) of fraternal cultural relativity [System?Methods?] "authority" equity strategy from agency geography economics.

from April 2014: Perspectives: Relativity Excerpts from Social Culture Economic Development and Governance Systems
"Social governance structured government systems, religion organizations, and corporate economic development management systems provided the basis of value creation within societal environments promoting (protections of) Human Value, Social Capital [Human Capital, Social Value]..."
Economic concepts of reproduction culture "genetic" ethnicity politics leveraging fraternal ethnic "Castle Economics" strategies are  " accumulate equity claims on resulting Social value with Culture [economic] politics..."

from September 2014: Relativity of Business Systems
"This abbreviated discussion regarding Business Systems' relationships is for the perspective on government organization systems, corporate institutions, and culture economic philosophy within "authority" fraternal ethnic ideology. The ethics vulnerability of culture economic agency psychology based within wealth+equity (industry) relationships' (governance) culture social value accumulations ("castle" economic theory) and political governance industry relativity."

from February 2015: Perspective: Relativity Management OF Comparative Business Systems 
"A Cultural psychology based within ethnicity religion authority reproduction social governance economics will evidently base conflict and economic ideologies of resource accumulations and allocations within the same fraternal exploit strategy to create ideological relationships. Such governance strategies establish a psychology of human ethnic relationships' exploitation leveraged by genealogy reproduction economic interests within ("ritual") politics of genetic culture economic business systems."

Reference Documents Presentation

Reference Documents Presentation

July 31, 2014

[Evaluative Perspectives]: Governance Systems, Cultural Ethics, and Business Systems [II]

A contributing perspective to the developing integrated theme of the Social Value, Human Capital [Social Capital, Human Value] incorporated within governance systems [and industry ethics development] of Social, Economic, and Cultural.

September 16, 2013

Perspectives [Evaluative]

September 24, 2013 commentary update
Perspective Governance Management:
Present era timespacedimensions + society & industry relationship developments
historical relationships of timespacedimension references + economic claims management
Present era financial developments & future economic innovations