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Showing posts with label American Ethnicity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label American Ethnicity. Show all posts

July 1, 2011

Good Faith and Cultural Identity

Analytical organization of experiential publicly available information. I make no claims as to perfect truth!! U.S. conservative Ideology history ["order" philosophy methods cloud sharing], Fraternal networks, and Domestic US military (1970s Massachusetts to Alabama childhood relocation; FinanceMBA). Historically consistent is the opportunistic fraternal/family collaborated, leveraged exploitation of ethnic-racial morality genetic relativity development to maintain political-social advantages segmentation. Used throughout all of American & Western history for changes of political social and economic development expansion actualities. Black is a descriptive color in a spectrum of colors applicable to a variety descriptive uses not a human racial determinant identity. Nor a religious identity worship [signal] for potential [contextual usage and economics] discriminatory exploitative order segmentation fraternal society tactics! [Political social humankind identity reproduction religious authority exploitation planned collaboration of stereotype narrative, or change leverage??]

Religion, Ethnic-Racial Identity, and Good Faith? Social Politics:
re: Maternal American Native Lineage; system methods for attempted authority re-definition claims.

August 7, 2010

Lineage and Cultural Diversity

There is grand diversity in American history including Black American history other than Africa. Take a look at my maternal genetic lines. It has a connection to the American ethnic (race) perspective that does not get highlighted in discussions. If you think about how the American culture considers race and ethnicity it mirrors the business marketing relative to product identification. Simple messaging to convey a targeted and directed idea. Not all issues are resolved with simple reasoning. Complexity requires deep, considerable multi-variant thought and the answers are not simple (simple=meaning one certain or separate outcome). Embrace the human Diversity!

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