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Showing posts with label Relativity Management Theory XX and XY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Relativity Management Theory XX and XY. Show all posts

August 15, 2016

A Glimpse into the History of "Law" Industry

Intricate to the American story is the story of industry where "law" is not an exception to the developments and interrelations called politics. From the early arrivals looking for wealth in the new Americas as portrayed in the Discovery channel's Real Life Pirates of the Caribbean documentary to the industrialists looking to expand territory claims, the "law" and "order" philosophies of the era have been introduced to this discussion in the Evidentiary Theory blog posts Part I and Part II. Also related is the ideology of managing relationships within a political frame combining genome science and religion demography found in the Relativity Management Theory XX and XY discussion.

The findings are consistent within a system of wealth accumulation using global regions to play their part in monarchial institutional developments of planetary resources as a sort of "keepers of the wealth" relying on the "law" to maintain the parameters of play within a democratic political system of economic development. The fraternal nature of "law" industry attempts consistency across institutional governance of Government, Religon, and Corporation which sometimes gets reduced to a lowest common denominator. Reflecting wealth protection strategies to manage financial system concepts of valuation [earnings cash flows, stored currency wealth, precious material accumulations, & corporate industry politics]. All of which are displayed in the analysis of the Panama Papers and related firms implementing the international transactions.

Wealth Accumulation, Systems [Methods]?

July 16, 2016

Human Genetics and Chemical Markers

Here are a few videos that can provide the basics of understanding for human genetics, chemical markers, and the personally derived topic of "geneticide"[biological efforts to regulate human genome relationships]. Part of the genetics video uses the term "junk" to describe the uncoded DNA in the human genome; however, undiscovered coding for human DNA does not make the cells "junk." Particularly, in light of "Ancient Alien" theories of unused or undiscovered molecular coding for future human development.

May 17, 2016

Relativity of Political "Culture Economics"

Previous discussions inferred to the distribution aspects of culture economics and this document presentation reflects the discussion more directly using the same 2010 - 2011 business phases analysis where market capitalization of the same companies within the conceptual business phases arrangement as operating income is used. The basic analysis lends itself for updates with 2016 performance figures and will undoubtedly reveal similar if not the same summary conclusions. The market values for the companies within distribution of each industry averages lower capitalization than companies within each of the other business phases; however, distribution achieves comparable operating performance figures [lower priced equity for the same or comparable market performance]. Culture attempts to control the distribution of wealth using a morality philosophy to accumulate benefits measured by financial capital for the management of manufacturing (reproduction relationships). 

Evident by the Comparable Business System Competitive Analysis, some industry business models include distribution as part of manufacturing systems. Others have the impact of distribution in financial capital profitability. An example would be the cost of maintaining the interstate highway system is separate from the cost of manufacturing automobiles; but, is a factor in the price / cost of consumer automobile ownership. Another would be separating the business of generating electricity from the cost of maintaining the grid infrastructure leading to economic constraints to manage infrastructure maintenance. Social equivalency attempts to distribute financial capital economics using a political morality definition among the population for wealth accumulations while conducting nationalist "geneticide" programs to justify ideology and reducing human capital, social value [human value, social capital].

Regional History (as explained by wikipedia) of French, British, Spanish, Confederacy, and The United States 

The European settlement of Mobile, then known as Fort Louis de la Louisiane, started in 1702, at Twenty-seven Mile Bluff on the Mobile River, as the first capital of the French colony of Louisiana. It was founded by French Canadian brothers Pierre Le Moyne d'Iberville and Jean-Baptiste Le Moyne, Sieur de Bienville, to establish control over France's Louisiana claims. Bienville was made governor of French Louisiana in 1701. Mobile's Roman Catholic parish was established on July 20, 1703, by Jean-Baptiste de la Croix de Chevrières de Saint-VallierBishop of Quebec.[24] The parish was the first established on the Gulf Coast of the United States.[24] In 1704 the ship Pélican delivered 23 French women to the colony; passengers had contracted yellow fever at a stop in Havana.[25] Though most of the "Pélican girls" recovered, numerous colonists and neighboring Native Americans died from the illness.[25] This early period was also the occasion of the arrival of the first African slaves, transported aboard a French supply ship from Saint-Dominguein the Caribbean.[25] The population of the colony fluctuated over the next few years, growing to 279 persons by 1708, yet descending to 178 persons two years later due to disease.[24]

These additional outbreaks of disease and a series of floods caused Bienville to order the town relocated several miles downriver to its present location at the confluence of the Mobile River and Mobile Bay in 1711.[26] A new earth and palisade Fort Louis was constructed at the new site during this time.[27] By 1712, when Antoine Crozat took over administration of the colony by royal appointment, its population reached 400 persons. The capital of La Louisiane was moved to Biloxi in 1720,[27] leaving Mobile in the role of military and trading center. In 1723 the construction of a new brick fort with a stone foundation began[27] and it was renamed Fort Condé in honor of Louis Henri, Duc de Bourbon and prince of Condé.[28]

In 1763, the Treaty of Paris was signed, ending the Seven Years' War, which Britain won, defeating France. By this treaty, France ceded its territories east of the Mississippi River to Britain. This area was made a part of the expanded British West Florida colony.[29] The British changed the name of Fort Condé to Fort Charlotte, after Charlotte of Mecklenburg-StrelitzKing George III's queen.[30] 

While the British were dealing with their rebellious colonists along the Atlantic coast, the Spanish entered the war as an ally of France in 1779. They took the opportunity to order Bernardo de Galvez, Governor of Louisiana, on an expedition east to retake Florida.[34] He captured Mobile during the Battle of Fort Charlotte in 1780, as part of this campaign. The Spanish wished to eliminate any British threat to their Louisiana colony, which they had received from France in the 1763 Treaty of Paris.[33] Their actions were condoned by the revolting American colonies, partially evidenced by the presence of Oliver Pollack, representative of the American Continental Congress. Due strong trade ties, many residents of Mobile and West Florida remained loyal to the British Crown.[33][34] The fort was renamed Fortaleza Carlota, with the Spanish holding Mobile as a part of Spanish West Florida until 1813, when it was seized by United States General James Wilkinson during the War of 1812.[35]The British were eager not to lose any useful inhabitants and promised religious tolerance to the French colonists; ultimately 112 French Mobilians remained in the colony.[31] The first permanent Jewish presence in Mobile began in 1763 as a result of the new religious tolerance. Jews had not been allowed to officially reside in colonial French Louisiana due to the Code Noir, a decree passed by France's King Louis XIV in 1685 that forbade the exercise of any religion other than Roman Catholicism, and ordered all Jews out of France's colonies. Most of these colonial-era Jews in Mobile were merchants and traders from Sephardic Jewish communities in Savannah and Charleston; and they added to the commercial development of Mobile[32] ... [31] During the American Revolutionary War, West Florida and Mobile became a refuge for loyalists fleeing the other colonies.[33]

April 10, 2016

Political "Culture Economics" Impact on Principles of Capital [cont.(3)]

"Geneticide" programs "family" + wealth accumulations morality strategies,
country politics and corporate economics social governance mgt. [human capital]

Evident social governance derived constructs from social cultural relativity to form a White | Black culture economic morality in an effort to maintain current demography as a constant using family institutions within a centralized regulating ideology for reproduction culture sophistry. Resulting in leveraged Human Capital Social Value [Human Value, Social Capital] into obsessive culture economic social relationship governance of human biology genealogy and genetic science justification politics.

March 30, 2016

Political "Culture Economics" Impact on Principles of Capital

Planetary Resources, Wealth Accumulations

Morality exploitations social governance mgt [Nationalist ideologies]
"Geneticide" programs "family" + wealth accumulation morality strategies,
country politics and corporate economics social governance mgt. [human capital]

July 18, 2011

Evidentiary Identity Theory: Theorems and Proofs

07/21/2011 Update: Addition of equity terminology
Statistical correlations provide insight into relationships among economics, religion, beliefs, and actions for certain relative situational narratives. Providing additional understanding to U.S. human ethnic identity formations and political-social and economic demographics [church-fraternal-military organizations].

By its definitive nature, political based "Family" religious ideology can be described as discriminatory [economic identity valuations] against defined U.S. American and International law. Organization, Structure, and Order applied in the Social Science context implies a methodology of identification, allocation, and segmentation which reinforces the discriminatory divisions between ethnic-racial groups and within the identity groups. Combined with economic activity concentrations for determinative industry allocation and the use of ethnic-racial heterosexual morality definitions as a planned procreation exploitation demographic strategy [evidentiary to my childhood Southern relocation from Massachusetts to Alabama (re: Geometry I story-line)] for humankind "family" identity and religious interpretations. Ideological humankind race creation authority leveraged against economic opportunities as proof of defined humankind relationships identity strategy with "evolution" "creation" interpretations. This ideological approach emphasizes authority control over development relative to Constitutional interpretation political debates. Also, directly reflected in the unity beliefs of fraternal "family" religious authority demographic strategies to justify literal interpretations of stereotype traditions. Social strategies as evidenced through my maternal grandmother's lineage to the "fraternal" network attempted inculcation of my nephew (sister's son). Historically supported as an informal ethnic-racial identity religious based social policy economic management system used for politically divisive advantages. However, these tactics create more challenges than control solutions [re: determinant criteria and contextual interpretations].

The United States of America was formed based upon the idea of human individual capital & expanding resource equity  [not human capital ownership] development contributions to collective interests expanding development beneficial to the population with regulations and rules to maintain a protected civil society. The efforts to maintain imposition of these ideological structures reflect the conflict in representations of church and industry economic governance tactical strategies relative to identity and "family" (religious) authority practices. It is just as important to understand what the political-fraternal-military-social "church" believes relative to personal beliefs to recognize system trained tactical policy and economic objectives.

Naturally, this blog posting leads to a social-location relationship analysis of research organizations, religious organizations, and economic interests/development context of the U.S. Southeast "family" identity ideology and exploitative morality politics.

July 1, 2011

Good Faith and Cultural Identity

Analytical organization of experiential publicly available information. I make no claims as to perfect truth!! U.S. conservative Ideology history ["order" philosophy methods cloud sharing], Fraternal networks, and Domestic US military (1970s Massachusetts to Alabama childhood relocation; FinanceMBA). Historically consistent is the opportunistic fraternal/family collaborated, leveraged exploitation of ethnic-racial morality genetic relativity development to maintain political-social advantages segmentation. Used throughout all of American & Western history for changes of political social and economic development expansion actualities. Black is a descriptive color in a spectrum of colors applicable to a variety descriptive uses not a human racial determinant identity. Nor a religious identity worship [signal] for potential [contextual usage and economics] discriminatory exploitative order segmentation fraternal society tactics! [Political social humankind identity reproduction religious authority exploitation planned collaboration of stereotype narrative, or change leverage??]

Religion, Ethnic-Racial Identity, and Good Faith? Social Politics:
re: Maternal American Native Lineage; system methods for attempted authority re-definition claims.

May 16, 2011

Global Economy and Competitive Development [Growth Scenarios]

I am currently using the World Economy Comparison presentations as foundation to model various growth scenarios. The analysis variables are by country / region using economic growth and population growth estimates over a 10-year timeframe. The most likely analysis estimation with the greatest variance to experience is the global rate of population growth. The analysis presumption is that greater economic activity will reduce the rate of population growth which also means an estimated increase in global economic participation. 

This was not planned to be a forecast of the global economic future. However, it was prepared to give perspective on the impact of economic growth relationships and international economic alliances.

February 15, 2011

Global Economic Development: A Data Graphic Introduction

Beliefs? Systems[Methods]? Authority? Results?

Initially wanted the beginning phases of dialogue to discuss this topic while including many of the graphics I have prepared up to this point. However, after including the needed graphics, an extended introductory essay would make the post too long. Thus, follow-up posts will explain and refer to the relationships among the graphics relative to current economic experiences and associated coordinations (Ideology strategies). Including the influence of religious and biblical interpretations on societal-industry economic development; stereotypes-beliefs-legal influence probabilities; tactics to fraternal obligations using political constituencies / institutions for advantage; resource ownership financing benefits resulting from economic leadership; and the need for reinforced constitutional legal protections against U.S. conservative mystic fraternal intelligence "family" religion economic system genome (s)exploitations orchestrated to create a special operations pronoun narrative for pre-defined demographic solidarity commitments [or development of the argument removing ethnic-based "family" restrictions/obligations on mutually-agreed emotionally healthy, non-exploitive relationships](re: Personal Evidentiary Theory and Relativity Management Theory XX and XY blog posts).

Note: Preferences based upon a statistical sample of population responses (non-significant R2).
U.S. based Development Metric is 1.00, the 0.96 avg reflected in the statistical analysis is a result of non-reconciliation of state population data variability to total population.

Theoretical humankind Influences - How it could conceivably happen
1.   Roswell [timing, timeline]
2.   Military hierarchy infiltration
3.   Intelligence Organizations / Fraternal (secrets) "agreements" - (J.E. Hoover)
4.   Technology / Corporations / investment [military spending history]
5.   Political infiltration / Elections [morality focus / leverage]
6.   Conservative Ideology & Church [worship/ financing/ Coptic - Mystic abilities?]
7.   Relationship Privacy Protection fraternal "royalty" fee? [morality?]
8.   Legislative branches of government [banking industry?]
9.   Medical - Science research - education institutions (information collection)
10. Human Genome / DNA studies control / stereotypes & procreation exploitation?
11. Executive influence ["NWO" --> Faith politics --> Change? (banking crisis?)]
12. Intelligence Special action plan (strategy) reveal? Social "fraternal" commitment? Constitutional? No!
*re: Relativity Management Theory XX and XY [Episode I]: Time - Space - Dimensions and Technology

Updated: August 26, 2016 [added video]

December 15, 2010

Relativity Management Theory XX and XY [Episode II]: Definitions

[Update 12/22/2010]***Ordained meaning given the predetermined ability to choose to procreate and mutually agreed relationship partner choice.****
I have mentioned in a few other blog posts my understanding of human DNA compatibility  questioning the motives behind the social pressures to segregate along ethnic lines. There are cultural differences of which many in the population embrace and adapt. However, the basis supporting the ethnic based social design is seen in the organizational religious structures since US origin.

The United States Constitution establishes the basis for the individual rights of humans (men and women) regarding religion and all other facets of life including the rights of choice. Ideology based in fraternal belonging and "order" has tried to overpower the individual freedoms and collective interests of American citizens with "family" concepts. However defined, the "family" concept essentially attempts to transfer choice and authority away from the individual toward a determined leader with a basis that has generally been ethnic identity. This ideology would reinforce social segmentation and also allow exploitation justification in the name of fallibility subjugating society to "family" leader(s). Meaning that the "family" leaders would also be responsible for the exploitation of women and children to maintain power and authority. If this leadership is religion based, then the "family" religion is contributing to the sexploitation morality and targeted forced procreation violating all protection and value preservation of humanity ordained predetermined choice to women. Furthermore, this overly focused attention on sex morality would lead to an irrational justification violating mutually agreed free choice, relationships, and privacy.

Where are your political-fraternal-church offerings going and are they used by the "family" to maintain "order"? [Personal Note] I am a heterosexual male; do not have any children; not part of nor have interest in any organized American Greek fraternal association; and do not worship in a religion that supports such human exploitation in the name of infiltrated  "family" unity, power as proof, and literal biblical interpretations to control [religious tests for information - fraternal rites of commitment]. Such unchecked authority allows infringement of the innocent with actions not otherwise responsible. Theoretically, this situation probability is evident in the multiple fraternal structures of U.S. church worship with Masonic, Greek fraternal, and other clan associations to maintain a "traditional" society. So, to which group would elected officials have loyalty? Political representative oaths are to uphold the U.S. Constitution and all the protections guaranteed to American citizens and humanity. Are there other deals using religion and "family" identity commitment(s) - [human and humankind]? Can a person represent the U.S. Government if they do not believe in Constitutional rights of the individual?

Hypothetically, the historical practice of religious traditions are designed to support a social order of which allows manipulation resulting from the authority structure. Certain organized religious designs have been conditioned to intentional situations of falter, submission to authority, and then obligation from reward as a result of the submission. A literal interpretation of human and humankind could recognize a difference in abilities not necessarily associated with ethnic identity. However, it would confirm other existences (God, angels, universal life, astrology, etc..) beyond earth relative to scientific understanding for those that believe in such explanations. Within this hypothetical, the procreation exploitation is evident as an opportunity to introduce, expand, and evolve humankind within the society. It would also support dysfunction relative to the establishment of healthy, free choice relationships of commitment while promoting conflict within demographic competition in pursuit to control the Human Genome. Literal interpretations can be speciously used to benefit certain deceptive agendas if there are no checks and balances in interpretation. Focus on a common ethnic identity does not change issues of resource allocation, access, and basic standards of living for humanity. Stereotypes are another attempt to justify actions and to maintain psychological "order." 

I will expand upon this explanation and reasoning in a future post regarding the evolution of civilizations and economic development of Earth based partly on information in the Ancient Alien (season 1) history channel DVD relevant to real and hypothetical explanations of applicable social systems; mainly, career achievements through training and immersion of the fraternal "order" ideology. Is "family" leadership ideology assumed in the Christian church African traditions? Could this be the philosophical basis to orchestrate parings relative to the traditional skin color biases using human genome knowledge?

Related Definitions:
pol·i·tics – noun 
1) the science or art of political government.
2) the practice or profession of conducting political affairs.
5) political principles or opinions.
6) use of intrigue or strategy in obtaining any position of power or control.

or·ches·trate -- verb, -trat·ed, -trat·ing.
2) To arrange or manipulate, esp. by means of clever or thorough planning or maneuvering.

a·gen·cy –   jən  sē)n., pl. –cies.
1) An organization, company or bureau that provides some service for another. 
2) A company having a franchise to represent another.
3) A governmental bureau, or an office that represents it.
4) The place of business of an agent.
8) The relationship between a principal and his or her agent.
9) The state of being in action or of exerting power; operation.
10) A means of exerting power or influence; instrumentality.

False dilemma
The logical fallacy of false dilemma (also called the either-or fallacy) involves a situation in which only two alternatives are considered, when in fact there are other options. Closely related are failing to consider a range of options. When a list of more than two choices is offered, but there are other choices not mentioned, then the fallacy is called the fallacy of false choice.

October 25, 2010

Personal Evidentiary Theory, Part II

Reflections in Society?: Gendered Social Policy Impacts

I have discussed the current economic reflections in the American society using the GDP analysis compared to individual average per capita earnings. It allowed the development of an analytical perspective on the distribution of American economic productivity and prosperity. Furthermore, it compares to the historic employ of labor dating back to the European expeditions to the Americas. The historical accounts of Portuguese and Spanish settlements in Central and South America (subsequent to Caribbean settlements) also reflected a similar system of labor for the Natives, Africans, and resulting multi-ethnic offspring from social relations. Initial 16th century discovery in the Americas mainland was of remarkable astonishment according to Hernán Cortés. He stated in correspondence to Spain “…that these people live almost like those in Spain, and in as much harmony and order as there…” Also, reports back to Spain from Peru reflected a similar impression, “This is the greatest and finest ever seen in this country or anywhere in the Indies… and has such fine buildings that it would be remarkable even in Spain.”

Early settlers had no statutory resistance to intermarriage and the identity economic system was based solely on maintenance of power and control. Social unions and marriages reflected the population inter-ethnic relations of Natives, Spaniards, and Africans.  Also, important to note is that both Spain and France held territory in early North American formation with Spain in Florida (1513-1763), Texas (1718-1819), and Alabama (1780-1813) contributing to social norms that quite possibly relate to current socio-ethnic relationships aside from political competition. American constitutional and legal freedoms have since reversed legal restrictions on inter-ethnic marriages to recognize individual freedoms to determine profession and career directions in life; "family" definitions; and obligations. Given this history, it is more than plausible that this structure could be the origin of current competitive emotions with American Latinas for those women with a strong African-American social identity to historical generation(s) and necessary to improve for prosperous growth as referenced in Black-Brown Relations and Stereotypes.

Current day American demographics of Black women outnumbering Black men contribute to the social design through fraternal “church” organizations working for ethnic solidarity and racial commitment. This environment would allow the political-social morality exploitation relative to religious biblical interpretation and an excuse to claim “family rights” for a personal, non-favored interaction directed toward the ideological Order commitment. However, orchestrated human violations as a systemic fraternal Order moral trap contributes to social dysfunction. It also fails the religious recognition of equal rights and human value to be protected from abuse and manipulative control to continue human existence with a mutually agreed chosen mate. Manipulation and exploitation for "family" rights and values or any other reason are the problems, not sexual relations itself directed toward commitment. The psychological design aspect of this "moral trap" creation is a perceived non-exclusive Black male sexual identity ‘ego’ which limits other human social-intellectual development  furthering the fraternal exploitation of the “Order” concept discussed in my previous blog post. Is "Order" the basis for "family" solidarity? This effort to maintain “Order” (racial-ethnic fraternal religious traditions) advantage allows disproportionate benefits to accumulate to the groups with the ability to intentionally orchestrate outcomes and responsibility/ blame is shifted to the vulnerable reinforced with ethnic, gendered stereotypes of moral judgment. For those that believe in God sanctioned domain over the earth, would they not be initiators of situations for an economical, or political, beneficial purpose making themselves morally liable? Given an appropriate level of dedicated resources (centralized authority) and concentrated economic opportunity leverage based upon moral judgment, this societal situation narrative can be created. It would also explain the actions by certain Southern fraternal collaborations using dysfunctional psychological tactics of sexual-identity morality tests furthering a community “stereotype” to protect a segmented order most likely related to the fallible-individual African tradition religious design.

Spain also incorporated the Christian religion into the Americas’ Native cultural conversions and the economic development of precious metals and other natural resources. The history of human civilizations has always included religious worship of some kind. The consolidation of Christianity since the Roman era correlates with relatively expanding economic prosperity, notwithstanding cultural struggles for rights and inclusion. Also evident are the geographic regions (countries) with stagnant economic development that maintain the same or similar Christian worship practices. In an effort to maintain balance, religious practices are not my point of emphasis in the economic analysis explanation although heavily used in political assessments of success in the United States. However, subjugation is not economically productive for a constitutionally democratic, maximally functional society.

Open for discussion relative to constitutional protections, freedoms, and social design is the role of a range of activities in the Adult entertainment industry compared to the fraternal “Order” concept, ethnic identification, religious structure, and legal-political-intelligence collection systems. In business analysis, a couple of questions most asked that provide the greatest insight are: (1) Who benefits most [economically and morally]? (2) Who has the greater control and resources? These questions will ultimately lead to an evaluation of objectives, purposes, and related outcomes. Does a theoretical correlation exist between the industry and society in general? Contrary to recognized rights, human asset value would be a measure of commitment to the system and rules of “family” expansion within the fraternal “Order” system. Morality, in this system, would not be a consideration for the coordinator but would be used against a knowing or unknowing participant. Applicable to efforts to reverse historical human ethnic inter-relations and to maintain ethnic, or racial, separation for political-economic reasons. In a society with an identity heavily based in fraternal-religious worship, sex and morality would be the most effective strategic opposition objective to maintain social “Order” while protecting narrow ethnic “family” identities. There is no justification for orchestrating moral vulnerabilities against human repute and community value to manipulate support for fraternal religious family responsibility “Order” including the use of exploitative procreation attempts.

Hollywood seems to have a strong connection with scripts relevant to hypothetical societal developments that combine imagination and reality. Analyzing the thematic symbolism, many productions reflect the conflict between good and bad / the Holy and evil with structural similarities. So, it is necessary to use other distinguishing determinant criteria like, for one example, usage of intended contextual interpretations.
I mentioned in one of my early blog posts that my conceptual openness writing and communication in addition to my early exposure to diverse, multi-ethnic relationships and later business career environment impressions tended to differ with some in Alabama and the South. So, I would not be surprised of attempts to project "out of order" with most and continued attempted pressures that have been historically used to maintain the power of persuasion. However, attempts will validate and provide substantive relative context to my blog posts easily identifying the source(s) (which may be a surprise to some) of attacks criticism and future resolute explanations.
Updated participation estimates: From 32% to 35% with estimated allocation adjustments.