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Showing posts with label Genetics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Genetics. Show all posts

July 16, 2016

Human Genetics and Chemical Markers

Here are a few videos that can provide the basics of understanding for human genetics, chemical markers, and the personally derived topic of "geneticide"[biological efforts to regulate human genome relationships]. Part of the genetics video uses the term "junk" to describe the uncoded DNA in the human genome; however, undiscovered coding for human DNA does not make the cells "junk." Particularly, in light of "Ancient Alien" theories of unused or undiscovered molecular coding for future human development.

April 10, 2016

Political "Culture Economics" Impact on Principles of Capital [cont.(3)]

"Geneticide" programs "family" + wealth accumulations morality strategies,
country politics and corporate economics social governance mgt. [human capital]

Evident social governance derived constructs from social cultural relativity to form a White | Black culture economic morality in an effort to maintain current demography as a constant using family institutions within a centralized regulating ideology for reproduction culture sophistry. Resulting in leveraged Human Capital Social Value [Human Value, Social Capital] into obsessive culture economic social relationship governance of human biology genealogy and genetic science justification politics.

October 24, 2010

Related?? - Fallible Individual Religious Design and Human Genetic Testing

In which dictionary is the "Family Values" definition? Social policy? Control? 
Which is more important: What you can physically see or what you cannot physically see? Do understanding the human genome and the ability to manipulate coincide with Acts of God?

National Institute of Health, Deoxyribonucleic [genetic/genealogy science], ["creation"? reproduction?]

or·ches·trate -(v) 

To arrange or manipulate, esp. by means of clever or thorough planning or maneuvering.

also re: Coordinated Events Theory, Events Theory Participants, Alabama Files II, The System of Controls?

September 14, 2010

Average Human Height by Geographic Region & Gender

While looking through information on DNA, genetics, and origins, I saw interesting information for comparison. It was a listing on
wikipedia for the average human height by gender and country. I reproduced the listing in document images below with links to the actual documents. The Nordic countries had the tallest average heights for both Male and Female genders followed by the United States. I will leave it up to each of you to do your comparisons relative to your known or unknown region of ethnic origins and ideas on human evolution.