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September 2, 2014

[Documents Compilation] Review

A preview of the related economic culture politics from relativity management theory philosophies and the use of management systems based on pyramids castles ideologies within a fraternal timespacedimension regional politics social governance agenda. The primary interests are the parameters and related impacts from design utilization of the economic system relative to culture psychology objectives in social governance political management...

July 31, 2014

[Evaluative Perspectives]: Governance Systems, Cultural Ethics, and Business Systems [II]

A contributing perspective to the developing integrated theme of the Social Value, Human Capital [Social Capital, Human Value] incorporated within governance systems [and industry ethics development] of Social, Economic, and Cultural.

May 17, 2014

Social, Culture, Economic Business Systems and Governance Politics [Perspective add]

The Social, Cultural, Economic presented guide perspective discussed primarily three summary profiles. The other perspective profile not specifically previewed is the social value capital relativity to culture management strategies. Not planning to thoroughly discuss in this forum; however, the parameters for discussion are somewhat evident for perspective evaluations within other planned agendas.