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March 30, 2016

Political "Culture Economics" Impact on Principles of Capital

Planetary Resources, Wealth Accumulations

Morality exploitations social governance mgt [Nationalist ideologies]
"Geneticide" programs "family" + wealth accumulation morality strategies,
country politics and corporate economics social governance mgt. [human capital]

February 29, 2016

February 25, 2016

Industry and Technology

The convergence of the technology in the auto industry is not a new phenomenon. It is, however, an increasingly prevalent one as reflected in the presentation brief called connecting cars. Compiled from pages of magazine editions of Car and Driver and Motortrend.

Car and Driver     August 2015   Vol. 61, No. 2
                                 September 2015   Vol. 61, No. 3
                                 November 2015     Vol. 61, No. 5
Motortrend          July 2015    Vol. 67, No. 7
                                August 2015   Vol. 67, No. 8

Presentation Link

January 30, 2016

Development Metric calculations (note)

While preparing and reviewing development metric presentations, there was concern about receptivity for using 2010 calculations. It is important to remember, however, that the 2010 calculation basis was the United States census reporting in 2010 and the need to have some consistency within discussions. 

Metropolitan development metric review along with the State's development metric reveal certain important observations relevant to regional developments and an already introduced discussion of Culture Economics.

Other notes, notices for blog visitors

May 17, 2015

[Evidentiary] Perspective

Governance, Social Value Human Capital [Social Capital, Human Value], and Political Systems of fraternal psychology tend to focus on human relationships' ethnicity reproduction within a "morality" determinate exploitation of culture economics.  This applied to the various principles of governance politics and corporate economic development of social value emphasize the contrary vulnerabilities within ethnic culture "authority" ethics in political government systems for economic strategy "leveraging" social protections of Human Social Capital Value.

Perspective: Relativity Management Theory OF Comparative Business Systems  [February 5, 2015]
"A cultural psychology based within ethnicity religion authority reproduction social governance economics will evidently base conflict and economic ideologies of resource accumulations and allocations within the same fraternal exploit strategy to create ideological relationships. Such governance strategies establish a psychology of human ethnic relationships' exploitation leveraged by genealogy reproduction economic interests within ('ritual') politics of genetic culture economic business systems."