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July 30, 2011

Public Education System and Modernization

Technology and Innovation Integration: Digital Textbooks
Current political discussions have been focused on spending reductions consistent with conservative promoted platforms. Also in political focus are the modernization needs of the public education system. Just for the record, I do not believe that begins with reducing the number of employed school teachers. However, I do have an idea that would satisfy both political debate arguments and has already begun at certain university levels. The digitizing of public education textbooks coordinated through the collective action of national public education institutions for the purchase of tablet computers and developing digital textbook standards. The savings should allow the incorporation of tablet computers for all program students at no cost with access to an electronic internet portal (similar to iTunes store) accommodating all technology operating system platforms for each school district to download the required digital textbook per registered class. This additional technology integration would primarily:
  1. Reduce per student textbooks cost;
  2. Allow access to internet computing technology for students that currently do not have the option in their home; and 
  3. Increase the public education environment dynamic as a leader in innovative learning. 
The benefits of adopting this approach create a platform to distribute continuous education and learning via internet access of select class lectures.  Certain universities are currently testing the applicability of technology for this type of usage and there is no reason why the public education system cannot lead the way. It has greater budget pressures than the university systems and early adoption as a national testing center serves the purpose of the education system while improving community service through technology. My next planned commentary on the public education modernization idea will continue with a focus on university Business Development Centers (Business Incubators) and a strategic collaborative emphasis on human capital employment.

Governance Perspectives and Development

In continuation of the Development Metric themes within American industry economics, this limited presentation shows some of the derived corporate benefit from conservative economic policies. The current unemployment data is from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics website. The noticeable narratives collectively begin to reveal the growing economic divergence behavior within American society relative to methodology of human capital industry employment and financial capital accumulation with a growing focus on international investment developments. The purpose of this analysis is merely to reflect historical development [strategic religious interpretations usage] and allocation strategies within the economy regulatory policies relative to values and valuations.

July 18, 2011

Evidentiary Identity Theory: Theorems and Proofs

07/21/2011 Update: Addition of equity terminology
Statistical correlations provide insight into relationships among economics, religion, beliefs, and actions for certain relative situational narratives. Providing additional understanding to U.S. human ethnic identity formations and political-social and economic demographics [church-fraternal-military organizations].

By its definitive nature, political based "Family" religious ideology can be described as discriminatory [economic identity valuations] against defined U.S. American and International law. Organization, Structure, and Order applied in the Social Science context implies a methodology of identification, allocation, and segmentation which reinforces the discriminatory divisions between ethnic-racial groups and within the identity groups. Combined with economic activity concentrations for determinative industry allocation and the use of ethnic-racial heterosexual morality definitions as a planned procreation exploitation demographic strategy [evidentiary to my childhood Southern relocation from Massachusetts to Alabama (re: Geometry I story-line)] for humankind "family" identity and religious interpretations. Ideological humankind race creation authority leveraged against economic opportunities as proof of defined humankind relationships identity strategy with "evolution" "creation" interpretations. This ideological approach emphasizes authority control over development relative to Constitutional interpretation political debates. Also, directly reflected in the unity beliefs of fraternal "family" religious authority demographic strategies to justify literal interpretations of stereotype traditions. Social strategies as evidenced through my maternal grandmother's lineage to the "fraternal" network attempted inculcation of my nephew (sister's son). Historically supported as an informal ethnic-racial identity religious based social policy economic management system used for politically divisive advantages. However, these tactics create more challenges than control solutions [re: determinant criteria and contextual interpretations].

The United States of America was formed based upon the idea of human individual capital & expanding resource equity  [not human capital ownership] development contributions to collective interests expanding development beneficial to the population with regulations and rules to maintain a protected civil society. The efforts to maintain imposition of these ideological structures reflect the conflict in representations of church and industry economic governance tactical strategies relative to identity and "family" (religious) authority practices. It is just as important to understand what the political-fraternal-military-social "church" believes relative to personal beliefs to recognize system trained tactical policy and economic objectives.

Naturally, this blog posting leads to a social-location relationship analysis of research organizations, religious organizations, and economic interests/development context of the U.S. Southeast "family" identity ideology and exploitative morality politics.

July 1, 2011

Good Faith and Cultural Identity

Analytical organization of experiential publicly available information. I make no claims as to perfect truth!! U.S. conservative Ideology history ["order" philosophy methods cloud sharing], Fraternal networks, and Domestic US military (1970s Massachusetts to Alabama childhood relocation; FinanceMBA). Historically consistent is the opportunistic fraternal/family collaborated, leveraged exploitation of ethnic-racial morality genetic relativity development to maintain political-social advantages segmentation. Used throughout all of American & Western history for changes of political social and economic development expansion actualities. Black is a descriptive color in a spectrum of colors applicable to a variety descriptive uses not a human racial determinant identity. Nor a religious identity worship [signal] for potential [contextual usage and economics] discriminatory exploitative order segmentation fraternal society tactics! [Political social humankind identity reproduction religious authority exploitation planned collaboration of stereotype narrative, or change leverage??]

Religion, Ethnic-Racial Identity, and Good Faith? Social Politics:
re: Maternal American Native Lineage; system methods for attempted authority re-definition claims.