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Showing posts with label civilizations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label civilizations. Show all posts

June 15, 2010

Historical Connections? Part 1

Updated 9-7-2010:More specific on free choice, mutually agree human ethnic combinations so not to be taken out of context:
Earthly, human racial & ethnic relationship combinations should not require alteration for any specific ethnic definition. Multi-ethnic class should not be re-engineered for change to create "pure" ethnic race(s). Humanity / humankind is diverse.
Interpretation of the Adam and Eve biblical story, in my opinion, establishes the equal creation of the human race from the same origins. Biting the apple was symbolic of man and woman’s sexual desire (human nature). Once the “sin” has been committed and forgiven is there no more forbidden “fruit?” What humans must do is manage the desire which is done through laws, rights, and respect for humanity in addition to religion. Mutually agreed relations is how humanity procreates and also maintains the relationship connection which should not be abused or advantaged one over another. As with most religious discussions and issues, not all biblical references are supported by literal interpretations. Those wanting all literal interpretations appear to have an alternative agenda and should incorporate relevant context. Extreme measures can make your answers appear to support a literal interpretation affecting perception by the manner in which questions are posed. Even Jesus used parables to make his point requiring interpretation relevant to human understanding and experience. Historical information identified in some History Channel programs put forth several ideas on assistance to human development and society. From that information, it is easy to see that similar developments were taking place in multiple locations around the globe. Even the identification of an early map revealing information that would be impossible to ascertain even with today’s technology.
Civilizations in Egypt, Central and South America, and Europe were provided with and learned similar information regarding natural resources, the stars and solar system, and the universe [re: Pyramids, Stonehenge, Greece’s governance structure and ancient Rome’s religious developments]. This information led to human technical development, commerce, sharing of knowledge, and growth of civilizations. Social interchange became common place and reflects the very compatible evolution of human DNA. The original discovery of the cocoa plant bean (chocolate) and coffee was in South America and is consumed worldwide in many delicious fashions. The benefit of trade and commerce allows one region of the world to share products and “know-how” with the rest of the world. A literal interpretation of separation would have never allowed social human development. God has allowed humans such growth abilities and knowledge to evolve and what God has allowed should not be separated. Humans were created in God’s image. We are taught that Jesus was sent for “man’s” sins in the eyes of GOD. This teaching is a result of the evolutionary understanding of GOD from certain Christian theology. At various times in human history, many gods were worshipped throughout the civilizations as noted in many History Channel programs and DVDs. The relevant change should stem from the recognition of God’s words “whatever you do to the least of these, you do unto me.”
I recognize God as the universally Supreme, all-knowing existence. God of the Earth, the Stars, and the Universe regulated by the order of science and math constantly growing in the quest for balance (molecular and chemical). This recognition along with our current knowledge reveals the possibility of other existences in the universe. Extending further the thought of other existences (life beyond Earth - Heaven, etc.) allows the understanding of a vast, diverse universe with the ability to visit Earth and share advanced knowledge.
Societal economic development and prosperity tends to increase competition for resources and man-made systems are derived for allocation. This competitive process, unfortunately, can lead to the placement of value one over another based upon non-relevant factors. This historical competitive hierarchy creation extended ideologies to human relationships above the American ideals of equality, education, and ability.