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Showing posts with label social structure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label social structure. Show all posts

October 25, 2010

Personal Evidentiary Theory, Part II

Reflections in Society?: Gendered Social Policy Impacts

I have discussed the current economic reflections in the American society using the GDP analysis compared to individual average per capita earnings. It allowed the development of an analytical perspective on the distribution of American economic productivity and prosperity. Furthermore, it compares to the historic employ of labor dating back to the European expeditions to the Americas. The historical accounts of Portuguese and Spanish settlements in Central and South America (subsequent to Caribbean settlements) also reflected a similar system of labor for the Natives, Africans, and resulting multi-ethnic offspring from social relations. Initial 16th century discovery in the Americas mainland was of remarkable astonishment according to Hernán Cortés. He stated in correspondence to Spain “…that these people live almost like those in Spain, and in as much harmony and order as there…” Also, reports back to Spain from Peru reflected a similar impression, “This is the greatest and finest ever seen in this country or anywhere in the Indies… and has such fine buildings that it would be remarkable even in Spain.”

Early settlers had no statutory resistance to intermarriage and the identity economic system was based solely on maintenance of power and control. Social unions and marriages reflected the population inter-ethnic relations of Natives, Spaniards, and Africans.  Also, important to note is that both Spain and France held territory in early North American formation with Spain in Florida (1513-1763), Texas (1718-1819), and Alabama (1780-1813) contributing to social norms that quite possibly relate to current socio-ethnic relationships aside from political competition. American constitutional and legal freedoms have since reversed legal restrictions on inter-ethnic marriages to recognize individual freedoms to determine profession and career directions in life; "family" definitions; and obligations. Given this history, it is more than plausible that this structure could be the origin of current competitive emotions with American Latinas for those women with a strong African-American social identity to historical generation(s) and necessary to improve for prosperous growth as referenced in Black-Brown Relations and Stereotypes.

Current day American demographics of Black women outnumbering Black men contribute to the social design through fraternal “church” organizations working for ethnic solidarity and racial commitment. This environment would allow the political-social morality exploitation relative to religious biblical interpretation and an excuse to claim “family rights” for a personal, non-favored interaction directed toward the ideological Order commitment. However, orchestrated human violations as a systemic fraternal Order moral trap contributes to social dysfunction. It also fails the religious recognition of equal rights and human value to be protected from abuse and manipulative control to continue human existence with a mutually agreed chosen mate. Manipulation and exploitation for "family" rights and values or any other reason are the problems, not sexual relations itself directed toward commitment. The psychological design aspect of this "moral trap" creation is a perceived non-exclusive Black male sexual identity ‘ego’ which limits other human social-intellectual development  furthering the fraternal exploitation of the “Order” concept discussed in my previous blog post. Is "Order" the basis for "family" solidarity? This effort to maintain “Order” (racial-ethnic fraternal religious traditions) advantage allows disproportionate benefits to accumulate to the groups with the ability to intentionally orchestrate outcomes and responsibility/ blame is shifted to the vulnerable reinforced with ethnic, gendered stereotypes of moral judgment. For those that believe in God sanctioned domain over the earth, would they not be initiators of situations for an economical, or political, beneficial purpose making themselves morally liable? Given an appropriate level of dedicated resources (centralized authority) and concentrated economic opportunity leverage based upon moral judgment, this societal situation narrative can be created. It would also explain the actions by certain Southern fraternal collaborations using dysfunctional psychological tactics of sexual-identity morality tests furthering a community “stereotype” to protect a segmented order most likely related to the fallible-individual African tradition religious design.

Spain also incorporated the Christian religion into the Americas’ Native cultural conversions and the economic development of precious metals and other natural resources. The history of human civilizations has always included religious worship of some kind. The consolidation of Christianity since the Roman era correlates with relatively expanding economic prosperity, notwithstanding cultural struggles for rights and inclusion. Also evident are the geographic regions (countries) with stagnant economic development that maintain the same or similar Christian worship practices. In an effort to maintain balance, religious practices are not my point of emphasis in the economic analysis explanation although heavily used in political assessments of success in the United States. However, subjugation is not economically productive for a constitutionally democratic, maximally functional society.

Open for discussion relative to constitutional protections, freedoms, and social design is the role of a range of activities in the Adult entertainment industry compared to the fraternal “Order” concept, ethnic identification, religious structure, and legal-political-intelligence collection systems. In business analysis, a couple of questions most asked that provide the greatest insight are: (1) Who benefits most [economically and morally]? (2) Who has the greater control and resources? These questions will ultimately lead to an evaluation of objectives, purposes, and related outcomes. Does a theoretical correlation exist between the industry and society in general? Contrary to recognized rights, human asset value would be a measure of commitment to the system and rules of “family” expansion within the fraternal “Order” system. Morality, in this system, would not be a consideration for the coordinator but would be used against a knowing or unknowing participant. Applicable to efforts to reverse historical human ethnic inter-relations and to maintain ethnic, or racial, separation for political-economic reasons. In a society with an identity heavily based in fraternal-religious worship, sex and morality would be the most effective strategic opposition objective to maintain social “Order” while protecting narrow ethnic “family” identities. There is no justification for orchestrating moral vulnerabilities against human repute and community value to manipulate support for fraternal religious family responsibility “Order” including the use of exploitative procreation attempts.

Hollywood seems to have a strong connection with scripts relevant to hypothetical societal developments that combine imagination and reality. Analyzing the thematic symbolism, many productions reflect the conflict between good and bad / the Holy and evil with structural similarities. So, it is necessary to use other distinguishing determinant criteria like, for one example, usage of intended contextual interpretations.
I mentioned in one of my early blog posts that my conceptual openness writing and communication in addition to my early exposure to diverse, multi-ethnic relationships and later business career environment impressions tended to differ with some in Alabama and the South. So, I would not be surprised of attempts to project "out of order" with most and continued attempted pressures that have been historically used to maintain the power of persuasion. However, attempts will validate and provide substantive relative context to my blog posts easily identifying the source(s) (which may be a surprise to some) of attacks criticism and future resolute explanations.
Updated participation estimates: From 32% to 35% with estimated allocation adjustments.

January 13, 2010

Self-Identity Recognition Not Segmentation: Relationship between Mortgage Backed Securities Market and Segmented Assimilation Theory (My Response)

The United States of America was founded upon the principles of individual freedoms and collective interests to escape historical oppressions. On census data and most other documentation, citizens and fellow countrymen (and women) self-identify for purposes of monitoring equality, fairness, and non-discriminatory practices guaranteed in the Constitution with Amendments and the evolved, supportive constitutional laws. Given such, it is important to gather the information not for separation but for inclusion.

Segmented Assimilation Theory, in my opinion, assumes that generational success can be achieved through a self-identified community pooled interest outside the collective US society. Aside from the contradiction of terms (segmented and assimilation), my position is that humanity and citizenship are not successfully segmental. Differences such as opinions, generational origins, race, and religion at this level can coexist. It is the original vision of the United States of America and its continued progress toward collective individual constitutional freedoms. History has shown that increased integration reduces discrimination, society trends toward greater equality, and provides a check on fairness provided that constitutional freedoms are upheld. Additionally, most successful socioeconomic development requires investment and capital levels which exceed the resources of a segmented community to provide benefits for the entire country.

Pooled risk and prosperity have been essential to the development of the U.S. economy and society. Inclusion has always increased overall prosperity. This concept is found in the insurance industry, mutual fund investing, and social security. The mortgage backed securities (MBS) market initially operated on this basis and the separation-dilution of pooled risk and return created the financial crisis. Mortgages from properties across America were pooled into large securities (bonds) sold by banks onto the global market. To increase the value of the securities, the collateralized mortgages were separated into tranches (risk and return segments) thereby increasing the sales price of the MBS and providing more income to the banks. The increased return expectation (higher mortgage interest rates) attracted more buyers from around the world which increased the supply of funds available for mortgages. More mortgage backed securities (MBS) were created as more banks offered the products. The tranches increased bank financial performance without an adequate impact assessment of the proportional separation of the risk profile.

Banks and investors with the ability to properly assess the riskier securities and market conditions bought insurance (credit default swaps) with an improperly, low priced premium. When mortgages began defaulting, holders of the MBS began losing value as default rates exceeded projections. As the value of the securities fell due to excessive defaults, there were no additional buyers for securities of assured risk of loss (out of the money call option of a deflating asset). Banks with purchased insurance began calling in claims that exceeded the “assessed risk pool value” and total premiums paid. This collective call on the credit default insurance policies caused liquidity issues for the insurer(s) along with the potential reputation damage to the U.S. financial industry for investment losses of workers' savings from around the world.

Essentially, banks around the world purchased American mortgages (using, in some cases, retirement funds from their country's workers) fueling the accelerated growth and excessive investment of the housing market. The securities were segmented which diluted “risk sharing” to increase value (bank income and cash flow). This financial strategy can be effectively executed provided that necessary control evaluations and diligence are in place to properly identify the risks. The bailout of banks and insurance provider was essential due to the source of some funds used to purchase the mortgage backed securities.

The separation of pooled risk and return evidenced in the MBS segmentation crisis is similar to the issues I associate with the social science Segmented Assimilation Theory referenced in a previous post: Gatekeepers and Modes of Incorporation. Following a social philosophy of Segmented Assimilation Theory, in my opinion, will lead back to the failed separate but equal policy of the past. The common issues between the social theory and financial segmentation include:

• Equal access to development resources (capital allocation problem);
• Improper assessment of risk due to the lack of pooled interest;
• Imbalance in capital accumulation to certain investments creating market "bubbles";
• Improper capital investment decisions due to underestimated risk and return.

An economic agenda for Shared prosperity is essential for healthy societal development.

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August 2, 2009

Judgments and Character

What was your first impression upon seeing the photo?

Are you uncomfortable seeing this?

Is it considered art or an expression of a taboo worthy of an art museum?

A threat to cultural heritage?

Would it matter if the ethnicities were opposite?

How about two women? Two men?

What do you think about me for posting this?

Would this photo make you more or less inclined to purchase the music?

The photo is of Joss Stone from her CD Introducing Joss Stone.

Many are probably already familiar with her and her work, but for those that are not, do you know who the executive producers on the album are? The world renowned songwriter of one of my favorite songs on the CD? The guitarist on many of the songs?

The answers to any of these questions provide insight into how we see and understand the world around us. The CD was released in 2007 and I am upset that I only just recently purchasing it because, in my opinion, it is her best release yet.

Pictures create powerful images in the brain and can promote powerful symbols. The fact that we now have a bi-racial President of the U.S. strongly identified by the African-American community has impact. Would it have made a difference if the president was not married to another African-American? Much of the perspective on this momentous American occasion is built upon the struggle for inclusion as is the history of the country. It is evidenced in the social and religious structures of the society. Most of all the social organizations of which people spend a big portion of their lives affiliated, particularly Fraternities and Sororities, are based upon ethnicity and self-identification.

Within the African-American community, the election of a Black President has been profoundly inspiring and encouraging for unlimited aspirations. It has also been the rallying point to strengthen the black family to improve the poverty conditions experienced by many. This means the acceptance of responsibility by the black man as the precursor for community improvement. This, however, does not recognize other condition variables impacting outcome nor that adjusting for such other factors, outcomes can be explained across many communities in the U.S.

In the book Before the Mayflower, Lerone Bennett, Jr. states that during slavery in the South, the plantation owners would not allow “poor whites” to be seen by the slaves. They were relocated out of the site of the plantation allowing the psychological indoctrination of the dominance and supremacy of the class of plantation owners. Given this beginning, it is not inconceivable that this structure of separation and exclusion is reinforced through the use of the evolved social organizations. These types of organizational structures also make communication very efficient and secretive. With today’s GPS satellite and telecommunication technologies, messages can be sent to the entire group and supporters with lightning speed identifying those not keeping with the group norms. There is historical evidence of how far some in power will go to reinforce or confirm a belief (The Tuskegee Experiment).

I have no intention to belittle the social and racial progress that has been made in this country. In fact, I intend to promote its continuation in the face of  to contradict those who will use this historical achievement as political fodder to end policies beneficial to the excluded and underrepresented. Some may use the historical event as confirmation of the separate group structure and as a basis for career success. However, until we can see the photo and think of it as history and it reflects images of representative government, corporate structure, and a global society, we are not there yet.

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