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October 9, 2011

Regional Planning and Development

Development Metric and U.S. Organized Fraternal "religion" Ideology Economic Development Systems (Reasons to improve Development Governance Ideology):

  • Also related to economics of U.S. Southern Plan agreements and "family" relocation as a youth from Massachusetts to Alabama via my mother's marriage [social policy plan obligation??] Alabama politically influenced directives: US Army; "fraternal black family" religion [beliefs/system (methods)]; [Intelligence organization network ethnic+racial social policy, demographic influences, & "church" geography + Humankind agreements];  Pre-1970s Southern "church" future economic strategic planning [since 1965 civil rights legislation].
  • Economics reflect cumulative implementation of political policies influenced through the incorporation of beliefs + interpretations. [Southeast region: lagging U.S. economic development metric indications; Asian + German auto assembly (import market access); conservative ideology against industry employee collective bargaining for non-executive levels; conservative Republican political ideology based leadership (organized relationship beliefs management) of economic distribution variability reflected in collegiate football industry economics].
  • Can organized authority system claim power + control for situational developments and not reference leverage factors targeting situational individual morality inferences?
  • Fraternal conservative political organizations' "morality" economics exploitation [industry and technology] control and protection system methods of influence [re: Alabama Files + Black "family" infiltration secret cover for Southern Plan ethnic+racial "family" policy + political leveraged entertainment industry economics]. Humankind conservative political finance, genetic science knowledge usage relative to [informal policy] religion beliefs, influenced usage of stereotypes and organization structure; civil rights "order" "royalty" economics plan?? 
  • Sex identity 'ego' social psychology creates politically beneficial "morality" exploitations:  Industry fraternal privileges designed around sex identity 'ego' psychological economic hierarchy reasoning; Fraternal industry economics for non-public inter-ethnic relationships; political leverage policy support influence; distraction from the privacy and civil rights violations to obtain information; limits social-economic healthy, balanced competitive intellectual male development psychology.
  • Strategic reflections: Educational economic value development versus political demographic [ethnic+racial identity religion based] voting group numbers advantage [value development vs. volume development].
  • History of human civilization economic development notes that all previous development expansions are preceded by political organizations' policy disagreement constructs; wealth accumulation concentrations; and demographic morality policies of ethnic+racial heterosexual relationships & authority.

  • October 5, 2011

    U.S.A. Economic Development [Introduction II]

    **Does the relationship between political organizations and church organizations impact corporate employment?? Similar to development with regional variance of influences??

    September 12, 2011

    Summary Corporate Performance Analysis Supplement

    To assist in interpreting the performance summary, the patterned logic is: (1) Business process stage identifier; (2) industry category descriptions; (3) regional performances; and then (4) performance relationship to summary averages. Remember, some included companies did not publicly report financial performance and regional industry performance reviews should include the region's Development Metric [GDP+wages/earnings distributions].

    *Adjusting for the represented company's negative performance for Europe in the Resource Conversion and Distribution stages, the regional performances would respectively be approximately 10.1% and 10.5%.

    Economic Development Metric and Business Process Profitability

    The graphic titles are fairly straight-forward in explaining the consumer market development economic issue. However, I do want to make note of a few references within the Business Process Summary comparisons. The summary total for each process stage is a non-weighted, non-adjusted average of the industry example companies. Europe's Resource Conversion and Distribution column averages would both reflect above 10% adjusting for the negative profit performance industry examples.

    A generalized comparison of performance differences among the regions could include the social policy preferences in Europe and the United States; Latin America profitability compared to Human Capital Development; and Asian growth led by China's increasing competitiveness (at this time, mostly government controlled industries) adding to Japan and S. Korea's development history relationship with the United States.