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September 12, 2011

Economic Development Metric and Business Process Profitability

The graphic titles are fairly straight-forward in explaining the consumer market development economic issue. However, I do want to make note of a few references within the Business Process Summary comparisons. The summary total for each process stage is a non-weighted, non-adjusted average of the industry example companies. Europe's Resource Conversion and Distribution column averages would both reflect above 10% adjusting for the negative profit performance industry examples.

A generalized comparison of performance differences among the regions could include the social policy preferences in Europe and the United States; Latin America profitability compared to Human Capital Development; and Asian growth led by China's increasing competitiveness (at this time, mostly government controlled industries) adding to Japan and S. Korea's development history relationship with the United States.

September 2, 2011

Corporate Performance Comparisons: United States, Latin America, Europe, and Asia

This presentation represents a continuing effort to reflect a comparative business industry dynamic and additional explanatory comments may be required. Nonetheless, using available reported performance information on international companies / industries within the outlined segments does create a profile for discussion around economic strategy, development, policies, and corporate relationships.

Corporate business benefits from certain control systems that warrant review against legal protections to men and women's individual rights' issues including provisioned civil rights conflicts of interest reviews against any fraternal leveraged contract exploitation(s) where necessary [outside the Civil Rights Legal Division religious organizational influences].

Performance variances among the regions have to consider interpretive differences in geographical competitive markets, market structures, and  development status. The companies were selected based upon publicly available performance information categorized using company provided descriptive business summaries relative to regional industry. The performance percentage summary is a non-adjusted, non-weighted average of the 2010 performance impacted by representative selection. Nonetheless, the comparison provides insight into relative performances and regional policy economic system development structures.

August 15, 2011

Systems of Economic Development

Geometry II: A Continuation of Theorems and Proofs
Literalism and social methods are evident in efforts to maintain a focused ordered ethnic-racial [economic] identity management objective. Heterosexual inter-ethnic sexual morality issues are related to ethnic-racial identity authority for social-political-economic and demographic relationship management. There are over 16 Merriam-Webster human family identity relationship definitions. 

Using fraternal "family" ideology for religious-ethnic-racial relationship leverage is evidence, in my opinion, of attempts to establish universal ideological order similarly related to the historical genetic lineage of my great grandmother and grandmother. It also explains the methodology leverage used in group identity "order beliefs" economics.

July 30, 2011

Public Education System and Modernization

Technology and Innovation Integration: Digital Textbooks
Current political discussions have been focused on spending reductions consistent with conservative promoted platforms. Also in political focus are the modernization needs of the public education system. Just for the record, I do not believe that begins with reducing the number of employed school teachers. However, I do have an idea that would satisfy both political debate arguments and has already begun at certain university levels. The digitizing of public education textbooks coordinated through the collective action of national public education institutions for the purchase of tablet computers and developing digital textbook standards. The savings should allow the incorporation of tablet computers for all program students at no cost with access to an electronic internet portal (similar to iTunes store) accommodating all technology operating system platforms for each school district to download the required digital textbook per registered class. This additional technology integration would primarily:
  1. Reduce per student textbooks cost;
  2. Allow access to internet computing technology for students that currently do not have the option in their home; and 
  3. Increase the public education environment dynamic as a leader in innovative learning. 
The benefits of adopting this approach create a platform to distribute continuous education and learning via internet access of select class lectures.  Certain universities are currently testing the applicability of technology for this type of usage and there is no reason why the public education system cannot lead the way. It has greater budget pressures than the university systems and early adoption as a national testing center serves the purpose of the education system while improving community service through technology. My next planned commentary on the public education modernization idea will continue with a focus on university Business Development Centers (Business Incubators) and a strategic collaborative emphasis on human capital employment.