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April 21, 2011

Business Industry and Profitability

I was recently thinking through the relationships of business, industry, and profitability compared to the general outline used in my blog themes. So, I attempted to categorize a sample of businesses using the Basic Summary of the Business Process to obtain a "rough" measure of corresponding operating profitability. Many arguments can be made for some of the companies in the reflected categories relative to their business and industry contributions. Generalizations on functional identity had to be made and their respective traditional structure definition difficulty "game changing" contributions show in the comparative operating margins. The innovative, integrated nature of many of these companies means that operations encompass more than one of the basic categories and industries.

What becomes very apparent is the impact on profitable return compared to control/ownership of resources: Natural Resources, Intellectual Content, Distribution and Allocation Methods. Although not completely reflected in this summary analysis due to multiple factors including timing is the housing "bubble" impact on industry. Lumber, homebuilders, and realtor businesses are operating at best, break-even. The financial industry which distributed the funds financing the "bubble" seems to have absorbed the industry risk and continue to remain profitable due to their infrastructure role in the US economy [Just a thought!]. Operating margin data used is the latest available reported annual earnings where available (FY2010).

April 14, 2011

The United States Constitution with Amendments [Foundation]: A Moral Reflection of Evolved American Values

Constitutional development was a result of competing ideas on societal governance related to group or “family” differences of cultural traditions. The basis of the Constitution recognizes the relative importance of religious beliefs and various interpretations. To accommodate differing perspectives and remain consistent with the duty of societal governance, the document emphasized the protective liberties and rights of every person within the U.S. authority; including flexibility of the people to live according to these belief systems without violating individual/personal rights and related freedoms of choice. These initial recognitions were based upon religious moral foundation recognition of all Human Value existing within humanity since Earth’s creation.

Freedoms and choice recognition established within the legal and social design creates the adaptability within societal governance for a coexisting population. However, maintaining respect for individual human rights free from exploitation is a requirement. These include the right to choose a relationship partner irrespective of ethnicity and relationship commitment procreation decision rights anywhere in United States of America. Humankind manipulations that violate rights [human simulation] to alter development determinations inconsistent with this legal rule basis of society should be considered illegal acts and crimes against humanity.

Evidence of these intended protective rights and liberties are evidenced in the created organizational systems structure of governance: Executive, Legislative, and Judicial government segments; Individual rights and human protections; Religious independence recognized in separation of church and state; Federal and State legal systems with Appellate system processes as a balanced check against bias and concentrated power/loyalty/”family” authority rule; historical economic industry development and regulatory legislation. 

April 2, 2011

Taxation Concept for Competitive Development II

The following presentation updates the Taxation Concept for Global Competitiveness with an idea for how the industry categorization approach could work. Included is a reflection of the current industry tax contribution based upon the Industry Summary of the Top 60 U.S. Companies document previously used in the Corporate Financials blog.

A clarification of the proposal using the “Flat Tax” terminology was not an idea altering the United States' philosophical application of the progressive tax system on earnings. In my opinion, a federal income tax based on sales revenue increases the investment technical calculation breakeven hurdle limiting economic expansion and business creation. Political opposition could easily make the case that the government is placing collection priority ahead of the American people and their earnings.

March 21, 2011

Metropolitan Based History of Economic Development

Economic development has historically occurred within cities as a result of a collective marketplace of goods, service offerings, employment, & entrepreneurial opportunities. Photos in this blog post reflect historic locations of metropolitan economic developments. An important fact to notice is the concentration of development between the 45°N to 15°N lines of latitude. The benefits of collective interest based Economics are evident in metro development as are decision impact differences and influences among Education, Social Well-being, and budgeting priorities of Social-Political community agreement processes (Southern political philosophy development correlation) resulting from taxation policy & allocations. Suburban development is the beneficiary of successful metropolitan economic development expansion to reduce population overcrowding. The Metropolitan Areas Development Metric analysis supports the fact that city and urban development leads (leading indicator) to statewide economic development attributable to collective resources utilization. 
The advantage of using the Development Metric calculation method minimizes the variability impact of population and economic activity estimates from Wikipedia and the CIA World Fact book (or any other data source) against data manipulation or claims of inaccuracy. The variability of estimates has very little impact relative to the comparative calculated Development Metric value. 

March 7, 2011

Taxation Concept for Competitive Development

Much of the political debate regarding business policy occurs with differences attributable to the varying “languages” of interest groups and government's comparable functional role. The assumption is that all are working for the future interests of the United States of America. Considering this in addition to the analysis of the current competitive standing of the country illustrated in The Global Competitiveness Report, here are some ideas regarding the taxation and policy debate.

My blog post The United States and Global Competitiveness summarized the common categories for the very top tier countries of competitiveness and personal thoughts on the socio-economic development relationships. The derived conceptual taxation strategy includes these important competitive factors similarly identified in the World Economic Forum’s competitiveness report methodology structure. This proposal creation identifies categories for industry assignment and tax rate development considering: A) Utilization and depletion of resources factoring environmental costs of disaster cleanups and necessary government public safety regulatory concerns; B) derived Infrastructure impact benefits [“hard” costs of interstate maintenance, airport and air safety, national utilities system maintenance and upgrades; “soft” costs of institutional (education and legal) demands on human resources development and general government administration]; C) the American community social and economic development flexible funding for investment into future competitiveness; and D) Security and National Defense interests. The Rate would apply to all industry companies within  the category. 
Currently, the conceived industry category groups are:
Basic Factors                                                  Efficiencies
I.  Natural Resources (Utilization and Depletion)      III. Service Oriented
II. Infrastructure                                                V. Other Pass-through (Income / Consumption) 

IV. Knowledge (Education) Based – [Science & Technology Advancement]

This approach incorporates many ideas from the taxation debate and social interest groups to tax industry with equivalent relative matching to the “tax” on global development. The factored “flat rate” for each category includes environmental and social impacts; patriotism for U.S. interests; contribution to U.S. future development while protecting the interest of generational contributions; and redefines the debate terminology with a perspective of all vested interests during times of budget and spending reductions.