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October 25, 2010

Personal Evidentiary Theory, Part II

Reflections in Society?: Gendered Social Policy Impacts

I have discussed the current economic reflections in the American society using the GDP analysis compared to individual average per capita earnings. It allowed the development of an analytical perspective on the distribution of American economic productivity and prosperity. Furthermore, it compares to the historic employ of labor dating back to the European expeditions to the Americas. The historical accounts of Portuguese and Spanish settlements in Central and South America (subsequent to Caribbean settlements) also reflected a similar system of labor for the Natives, Africans, and resulting multi-ethnic offspring from social relations. Initial 16th century discovery in the Americas mainland was of remarkable astonishment according to Hernán Cortés. He stated in correspondence to Spain “…that these people live almost like those in Spain, and in as much harmony and order as there…” Also, reports back to Spain from Peru reflected a similar impression, “This is the greatest and finest ever seen in this country or anywhere in the Indies… and has such fine buildings that it would be remarkable even in Spain.”

Early settlers had no statutory resistance to intermarriage and the identity economic system was based solely on maintenance of power and control. Social unions and marriages reflected the population inter-ethnic relations of Natives, Spaniards, and Africans.  Also, important to note is that both Spain and France held territory in early North American formation with Spain in Florida (1513-1763), Texas (1718-1819), and Alabama (1780-1813) contributing to social norms that quite possibly relate to current socio-ethnic relationships aside from political competition. American constitutional and legal freedoms have since reversed legal restrictions on inter-ethnic marriages to recognize individual freedoms to determine profession and career directions in life; "family" definitions; and obligations. Given this history, it is more than plausible that this structure could be the origin of current competitive emotions with American Latinas for those women with a strong African-American social identity to historical generation(s) and necessary to improve for prosperous growth as referenced in Black-Brown Relations and Stereotypes.

Current day American demographics of Black women outnumbering Black men contribute to the social design through fraternal “church” organizations working for ethnic solidarity and racial commitment. This environment would allow the political-social morality exploitation relative to religious biblical interpretation and an excuse to claim “family rights” for a personal, non-favored interaction directed toward the ideological Order commitment. However, orchestrated human violations as a systemic fraternal Order moral trap contributes to social dysfunction. It also fails the religious recognition of equal rights and human value to be protected from abuse and manipulative control to continue human existence with a mutually agreed chosen mate. Manipulation and exploitation for "family" rights and values or any other reason are the problems, not sexual relations itself directed toward commitment. The psychological design aspect of this "moral trap" creation is a perceived non-exclusive Black male sexual identity ‘ego’ which limits other human social-intellectual development  furthering the fraternal exploitation of the “Order” concept discussed in my previous blog post. Is "Order" the basis for "family" solidarity? This effort to maintain “Order” (racial-ethnic fraternal religious traditions) advantage allows disproportionate benefits to accumulate to the groups with the ability to intentionally orchestrate outcomes and responsibility/ blame is shifted to the vulnerable reinforced with ethnic, gendered stereotypes of moral judgment. For those that believe in God sanctioned domain over the earth, would they not be initiators of situations for an economical, or political, beneficial purpose making themselves morally liable? Given an appropriate level of dedicated resources (centralized authority) and concentrated economic opportunity leverage based upon moral judgment, this societal situation narrative can be created. It would also explain the actions by certain Southern fraternal collaborations using dysfunctional psychological tactics of sexual-identity morality tests furthering a community “stereotype” to protect a segmented order most likely related to the fallible-individual African tradition religious design.

Spain also incorporated the Christian religion into the Americas’ Native cultural conversions and the economic development of precious metals and other natural resources. The history of human civilizations has always included religious worship of some kind. The consolidation of Christianity since the Roman era correlates with relatively expanding economic prosperity, notwithstanding cultural struggles for rights and inclusion. Also evident are the geographic regions (countries) with stagnant economic development that maintain the same or similar Christian worship practices. In an effort to maintain balance, religious practices are not my point of emphasis in the economic analysis explanation although heavily used in political assessments of success in the United States. However, subjugation is not economically productive for a constitutionally democratic, maximally functional society.

Open for discussion relative to constitutional protections, freedoms, and social design is the role of a range of activities in the Adult entertainment industry compared to the fraternal “Order” concept, ethnic identification, religious structure, and legal-political-intelligence collection systems. In business analysis, a couple of questions most asked that provide the greatest insight are: (1) Who benefits most [economically and morally]? (2) Who has the greater control and resources? These questions will ultimately lead to an evaluation of objectives, purposes, and related outcomes. Does a theoretical correlation exist between the industry and society in general? Contrary to recognized rights, human asset value would be a measure of commitment to the system and rules of “family” expansion within the fraternal “Order” system. Morality, in this system, would not be a consideration for the coordinator but would be used against a knowing or unknowing participant. Applicable to efforts to reverse historical human ethnic inter-relations and to maintain ethnic, or racial, separation for political-economic reasons. In a society with an identity heavily based in fraternal-religious worship, sex and morality would be the most effective strategic opposition objective to maintain social “Order” while protecting narrow ethnic “family” identities. There is no justification for orchestrating moral vulnerabilities against human repute and community value to manipulate support for fraternal religious family responsibility “Order” including the use of exploitative procreation attempts.

Hollywood seems to have a strong connection with scripts relevant to hypothetical societal developments that combine imagination and reality. Analyzing the thematic symbolism, many productions reflect the conflict between good and bad / the Holy and evil with structural similarities. So, it is necessary to use other distinguishing determinant criteria like, for one example, usage of intended contextual interpretations.
I mentioned in one of my early blog posts that my conceptual openness writing and communication in addition to my early exposure to diverse, multi-ethnic relationships and later business career environment impressions tended to differ with some in Alabama and the South. So, I would not be surprised of attempts to project "out of order" with most and continued attempted pressures that have been historically used to maintain the power of persuasion. However, attempts will validate and provide substantive relative context to my blog posts easily identifying the source(s) (which may be a surprise to some) of attacks criticism and future resolute explanations.
Updated participation estimates: From 32% to 35% with estimated allocation adjustments.

October 24, 2010

Related?? - Fallible Individual Religious Design and Human Genetic Testing

In which dictionary is the "Family Values" definition? Social policy? Control? 
Which is more important: What you can physically see or what you cannot physically see? Do understanding the human genome and the ability to manipulate coincide with Acts of God?

National Institute of Health, Deoxyribonucleic [genetic/genealogy science], ["creation"? reproduction?]

or·ches·trate -(v) 

To arrange or manipulate, esp. by means of clever or thorough planning or maneuvering.

also re: Coordinated Events Theory, Events Theory Participants, Alabama Files II, The System of Controls?

October 19, 2010

Review of Corporate Tax Post

Just reviewed a few of the analysis spreadsheets regarding corporate taxation. Southern politics includes blogger data distortion too, I guess. The United Technology tax assuming it is reflected as an operating cost against revenue is 3% as opposed to the stated 30%. I am making the adjustments and working through other analysis to find any other potential / necessary adjustment!

I will keep you updated on what I find!

October 8, 2010

Personal Evidentiary Theory, Part I

“Family Values?” v. current (evolved) Constitutional Individual Rights, Protections, & Freedoms

The historical lessons taught to most Americans briefly focuses on early Egyptian, Greco-Roman, and European civilizations. Emphasis is placed on American history relative to the struggle for independence from the British Empire and some historical relationship of European exploration of the Americas. Unless students pursue the history in college courses or independently, little is known of the connections and evolutions among civilizations and will not notice the relevance to current life influence and experience. We marvel at the global cultural architecture and wonders of the world and should see the relevance to early American formation and development.

In earlier blog posts, I have referred to the records of early human civilizations; human and cultural evolution; and the concept of universal rights of man and existence (not a universal legal order counter to sovereignty and rights of humanity) applicable to religion, specifically Christianity. Following the historically taught paths of earthly civilizations, influence is evident in building designs;  organized municipal layouts; fraternal religious and social organizations; and disputable evolutionary paths of humanity learned from biological technology developments (DNA).  This combination of factors reveals the real commonality of humanity and the inter-relationships of many ethnicities. Also revealed is the strategic economic impact of the cumulative human racial - religious identity system for advantage. A system culminating into an American enterprise strategy used until after the major Wars. Although the country experienced many years of economic and social progress, the effect of such a system created alternative strategies relative to the values in the Declaration of Independence, the current US Constitution, and American civil laws elevating social formation of a “family values” ideology.

The definitions of family can be tailored for broad or narrow application as evident in the multiple defined listings and will reveal to some extent group social objective(s). I have been educated around various ethnic groups different than myself [Latino, Black, multi-ethnic, & White] most of my life and have been comfortable learning cultures, networking and socializing with the groups. I would also be comfortable welcoming into my definition of family. Conceptually, “family values” political strategies promote historical southern traditions built around segmented societies to preserve influence relative to concentrated resource accumulation. It fails to recognize the beneficial impact of the expanded economy upon accepted incorporation of expanded citizen civil rights legislation. The impact was an increased consumer base for the importantly recognized “small business” economic development contributions.  Aside from legal considerations, the “family” definition can limit participation and benefits. Particularly troubling with this ideological adoption is the limited distribution of acquired resources based upon global contributions. The “Family Values” recognition would now discount these contributions with exclusionary practices. Society and its current structure are based upon inclusive citizenship contribution with protections provided by legal rights reinforced and supported by the Central Government. If “family values” leaders were the principal regulators of morality, behavior, and rewards, would the judgments for all citizens reflect a consistent application? Compensation and  punitive actions for violation of individual (human) rights by seen and unseen “families” using systematic deception in an attempt to create obligation and increase the “family”? Would it recognize variability in individual understanding of the teachings of Jesus, or God of worship? “Family Values” conflict with the law and individual rights in a Constitutional Democracy.

Science has provided knowledge of human commonality although a cursory analysis of the US social structure reflects the historical past of attempted integration of separate design. Religious institutions mostly organized under the recognition of Christianity with exceptions of varying traditional philosophies created through evolved belief systems. This structure further incorporates “fraternal” organizations built around the historical commonality of beliefs and developed leadership structures of the Order concept. Application of the Order conceptual psychology is evident in municipal design layouts and also reflects the structured logic of mathematics and scientific advancements. Fraternal organizations and “family values” adoption follows this pattern without recognition of the various human personalities similarly identified in the work of Briggs, Myers, and other psychologists. The strict and literal application of the Order definition related to hierarchal ranking (particularly one based upon race) does not reflect the variety of human perspectives and personalities. Furthermore, this type of application limits personal contributions, the potential economic return on abilities, legal and social protections, and freedoms. What would a literal interpretation of human and humankind [man and mankind] reveal?

Given this brief elaboration of the “family values” and Order impacts, the appearance of unconstitutionality is evident unless individually accepted without deception of obligations and conditions. Notwithstanding is the political Oath of office upon election which requires the affirmation and support of the Constitutional basis establishing freedoms, protections, and rights of humanity. This acceptance is of such importance that it is a required incorporation of the US education system and immigrant newcomers are required to learn it as part of the naturalization process to citizenship. The Order definition people identify when using the term is to follow the accepted and system approved laws. Appropriate complexity is incurred with the levels of legal authority given the system of Federal, State, and Municipal laws and ordinances.


[Supplemental Document update][8/2014]

September 24, 2010

Demographic Analysis

I have been reviewing some demographic data on the city of San Antonio, Texas and have developed a few thoughts regarding human social location and development; effective city planning for future population growth; the visible impact of education and the removal of opportunity barriers; and the ineffectiveness of the efficiency argument relative to government involvement in housing and urban planning. One very important note to include so as not to provide a misleading assessment; Eighty-eight percent (88%) of the San Antonio, TX population is native U.S. born.

Studying the San Antonio data is the result of internet availability of data from the city website, agency, and the majority Hispanic/Latino population. These consideration factors were in addition to its location; United States immigration and border issues; and Texas history. Analyzing the data reflects interesting facts about the society in general and earnings / wealth specifically.  Demographic data identifies population percentage levels in categories by District to include: Race, Gender, Education levels, Income on a per capita basis, and Housing (average home values and average rents). Using these demographic data, correlations were calculated to identify the quality of relationship between the measured data points. Correlation simply explains the level of relative shared movement (variability) among the data from one observation to the next. In this case the observations were organized by municipal political Districts 1-10. However, economic social location within the city is seen between Districts 1-5 and Districts 6-10 even without the use of expanded statistical analysis. Districts 6-10 encompass the Northern and Northwest portions of the city closer to the interstate thoroughfare to Austin, TX.

Just a couple of things to point out regarding the data observations and a general point to be made relative to public policy housing initiatives. Although the data suggests a strong relationship among ethnicity and earnings, the revealing underlying assessment is the need to increase the education levels while removing economic barriers to access capital and markets. The way I think about these adjustments is supported by the levels of integration of the Latino and Afro-Latino culture into the United States cuisine and other societal aspects. The economic impact on the Latino community would be dramatically increased if the business influences were originated and/or owned within the community as would any other US cultural-ethnic community. The future value of establishing economic relations in the rest of the world through shared cultural developments and influences with capital investment would also greatly improve current community economics. The other main point reflects the limits and impacts of forcing government spending efficiencies related to housing initiatives. The effect of such a focus forces economic decisions which concentrate poverty in specific regions, or districts, within most cities and impacts the district economic tax base among other things. The efficiency gained on one part of the development equation is eliminated within the districts due to the high concentrations of poverty leading to other social issues much better elaborated by other social scientist’s work than I can express here [law & order concepts; moral opinions; and costs - economic and social]. Historical policies that required affordable housing within each city district provided for a greater distribution and lower location concentrations of poverty within any one city district. Part of the premise of social programs designed to improve education for children is through a better learning environment creating better individual and family opportunities.