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Showing posts with label Integration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Integration. Show all posts

November 15, 2010

Social Location and Relationships: Economics, Classic Conditioning, and Social Psychology [Explanations]

The American image has long been that of a “melting pot” [collective inclusion] of cultures in the land of Democracy (rule by the people).  The description is accurate in that the country does include a multitude of ethnicities and cultures combining into the American society. The late 1960s was a time of dramatic cultural change breaking barriers that prevented social collaboration and social integration of the people. Honestly, I believe that the majority of Americans favor diversity and accept interrelations setting aside the hidden economic-corporate social limitation (J.E."Hooverites" secret social policy). Politically they tend to be concentrated in the larger metropolitan areas in America. A conservative coalition has been working to reverse those impacts of change as evident in political public statements and positions referencing days of an era past using religious-economic theory and application, if not completely through legislation. Conservative ideology has strong associations in Southern politics still supporting a broader sense of ideological segregation. Consistent with this ideology embedded in religious confirmations and historical references include recognition of historical “Religious Order” and a reincarnated influence in certain American institutions.

Support for this organizing concept is the expanded structure fraternal system adapted for use by an expanded definition of “Church” assisting in acts and organization. This line of reasoning would affect understanding of relationships between Corporations, Religious Institutions, and Political-Governing-Intelligence systems in violation of Constitutional Democratic principles and provide enlightenment regarding the current population employment status. Most political discussions focus on a racism prospective of Conservatism which does not completely reflect the correct mental framing and allows defense of the criticism using friendly associations. The Conservative perspective is consistent with a “Hierarchal Order” which explains opposition to Diversity, Interracial/Inter-ethnic relationships and leadership, balanced (competitive) ownership of economic resources, and provisions for minimum living standards of humanity (they labeled “socialism”). Furthermore, the “Order” concept is based upon a male controlled “family” leadership economic model allowing the directed subjugation of women and children which would explain infallible individual design; racial “moral traps”; socialization of Black “family” commitment politics; African religious tradition; equality opposition; and sex exploitation to maintain “order.” Using the stated conservative belief in “exceptionalism” overlays the “Order Hierarchy” relationship to global political science. The real question is “Do the ‘Order’ and ‘exceptionalism’ concepts refer to the American systems or the American people?”
Miss Egypt - 2010
The southern influential base of conservative politics is well known and documented. What does not get examined is the impact on Black American politics, education, and intellectual development resulting from historical social location concentration origins in the South. Successful economic ascension after legal rights recognition impacted authority structures including historical “Order” and “family” conceptual definitions. This culturalization of Black America affected identity definitions, expected social behaviors, and economic distributions relative to religious tradition adoptions and cooptation of the Black “family” meaning. Reflected in my blog post themes is recognition of African and Native origins in the populations throughout the Americas commonly referred to as people of color and my new influenced interest in United States Latino colleagues’ cultural history. Unless there is another (prophetic? social policy) reason, the African designated identity specification is redundant particularly given the scientific testing explanation acceptance of the earliest known developments which leads to question the African tradition testimony, purpose of fallibility, ethnic segmentation, and religious emphasis on submission to power and authority. Is this a Southern learned leadership attribute of “dues” or reflection of subjugated frustration? A sample illustration of this social system is reflected in the comparative extrapolation of Classic Conditioning supported by the relationships among Black American fraternal organizations, religion, psychology, corporations, politics, and certain government agencies: 
(Used for Inter-ethnic Relationship Separation through "Church," Corporations, & Politics - Economics and “Order” Concept)
Social Conditioning
Social Conditioning refers to the sociological phenomena characterized by a process of inherited tradition and gradual cultural transmutation passed down through previous generations. Results and impacts of social conditioning are vast, but they are generally categorized as social patterns and social structures.
In operant conditioning, the subject must first emit the response that the experimenter plans to reward. Shaping is the name given to those initial steps needed to get the subject to engage in the behavior that is to be rewarded.

Not consistent with religion, enlightenment, and constitutional rights! Conditioning is also reflected in interrelated roles of Corporations, Churches, and political-morality-fraternal order. Evident in clandestine communications monitoring and moral exploitation setups for covert domestic political actions liability coordinated through Southern Social "Family" Councils. These acts all serve the "Solid South" and conservative ideology designed around early segregation and economic order (discrimination) to create an interpreted biblical authority structure and allows the “triangle” manipulation of personal outcomes to blame on a constructed individual morality. Religion is personal!

In the Aerospace industry during times of routine inspection, repair, or overhaul, a process called reverse engineering is employed whenever mechanical aircraft parts are needed without proprietary authority from the creator (OEM) to access design and no inventory. This generally means attempted replication of the original part using trial and error and sometimes original materials are not available. The result is an inexact copy of the original, evolved design of differing (usually lesser) specification standards. This example metaphorically relates to Black “Family” or any other "family" forced solidarity commitment to pacify conservative social reasoning. It is an economical power threat to current ownership profitability and “order” to establish pay equity (gender & ethnicity economic equality) than it is to create or allow 10+ “Family” billionaires.

Concentrated employment control politics has increased unemployment to leverage tax breaks. According to definitive financial theory, required tax reduction to increase employment of capital would indicate that ownership is too concentrated and companies are too big to obtain adequate market returns. 

Economic Terms of “Order” and “Family” Concept:
Financial Royalty
"Family?" Inheritance

July 11, 2010

Historical Connections? Part 2

The United States society and economy really began to distinguish itself during and after WWII. The war required change in social policy allowing the inclusion of all members of society to contribute to the build of necessary industry support. This inclusive policy also allowed Latin American immigrants to join the effort in the United States contributing to increased earnings distribution and wealth across American communities. The expansion of industry and labor (skill development) aided the economy during increased worldwide industrial demand from capacity impacted regions after the war. The quarter century or more after WWII redefined the American society from the church to the military defense build-up strategies for US interests to include all citizens and share economic prosperity.

WWII also provided the early need for integration initiatives ultimately leading to Civil Rights legislation of the 1960’s. Although serving in segregated units, the soldiers proved to be exceptional contributors to the US efforts despite fears of enemy cooptation. These fears were promoted within the conservative circles of the military contributing to the limited usage of the diverse manpower and reflected the prevailing psychology of Conservative protection ideology. Protection through the need for precise and insulated organizational structures; the new Homeland security developments; current forced adoption of order through war actions (Middle East); and an overestimated need to conserve capital resources. Many of the human projections were derived from stereotypical assessments as evidenced in the correlation among the social structure; community economic impacts; and morality definitions to preserve human ethnic identifications (DNA vulnerabilities).
Although I am briefly introducing the topic of stereotypes and impacts here, I plan a future blog post to clarify the personal assessment analysis connecting fraternal organizations and social relationships. My perspective is obviously that of a "Black" American male (w/ Native ancestry) growing as a youth in the American South during the integration policy introduction. I am relating personal observations & experiences, reading of history, and stories heard to eventual social outcomes. During that period of the 1st generation integration, much time and energy was spent trying to prove against a critique of inability to perform [any task outside of manual labor - assumptive human capital value] ignoring the variability in relative levels and quality of education and experience of the time. The social integration resistance was supplemental to the efforts to prevent further sexual, racial interrelations by limiting the desirable mate trait appeals of intelligence and economic success. Current day impacts are the conservative emphasis of “family values” and the fallible individual morality related to sexual activity, particularly interracial. The Latino stereotype consistent with this labor social impact is the association with non-citizenship and “illegal status.” Counter to the promotion of prosperity is the moral fallibility design that is comparable to the Black church traditions/expectations to provide support and spiritual comfort for those actions deemed “short of God” by "decision makers" [with no mention of involvement, corporate influence, or Florida connections]. Moreover, the design reflects the American cultural differences with large, continental African family traditions. Given this history and traditional role, exploitation of stereotypes is consistent with activities indentified in the J. Edgar Hoover autobiography, The Man and The Secrets (ISBN-13: 9780393321289), of “political pressure” based upon documented sex lives (many stories that are not true) in files using tactics described in the 1976 Church Committee findings with relevance to current day internet technology.
Looking back at the 2006 Marriage data tables in my Gatekeepers and Modes of Incorporation and Integrative Social and Economic Systems blog posts provide at least one reason for the separatists' position (unless they are willing to admit some other human difference). Males outnumber females in the White and Latino/Hispanic racial groups by a combined 2.745 million according to census data. Black women outnumber Black males by 1.2 million encouraging further belief of the stereotypes. It appears the gender with the numerical advantage of greater mate choices tend to receive the more negative behavioral stereotype. The imbalance provides less incentive to stay committed upon discovery of deeper personality differences among mates not including social progress of equality and can impact leadership judgments in certain environments. The additional competition from others only compounds the imbalance in smaller communities. Moreover, the lack of available male mates support the dependence of non-married Black women on spiritual reliance of the church and emotional connections to its Male leadership (I give this perspective from perceptions outside the formal organization and have no intentions of changing positions or activity relative to this explanation). As with stereotypes and impacts, concept expansion of the church definition (and “God hierarchy”) will come in a future blog post. I am not sure how many others support my positions, but I do believe there are many others for varying reasons. However, my position is based upon constitutional rights, desired relationships of mutual agreement, partnership and definitely not for any fraternal (“family”) manipulative, sexually exploitative use of women.
The 1st generation of adults to integrate U.S. society after legal changes for inclusion now views the next generation partially through the lenses of personal experiences of required compromises for career advancement and assimilation. During my youth, most of the adults within my sphere of influence developed careers within government institutions such as local and state police associations; fraternal acceptance; and military groups (Army, Air Force) where strict adherence to defined rules is the standard. Such societal strict adherence allows perpetuation of Hoover type activities. This next generation has grown up incorporating the policy of inclusion and freedoms without compromise of rights. These progressive, inclusive conditions and rights are expected within all social and corporate environments. Children are not required to accept ritual commitments of their parents particularly without full and complete explanation & understanding of the implication on expected rights and freedoms upon adulthood.