context- noun 1. The parts of a written or spoken statement that precede or follow a specific word or passage, usually influencing its meaning or effect.
2. The set of circumstances or facts that surround a particular event, situation, etc.
interpretation - noun 1.The act or process of explaining the meaning of something.
Initially wanted the beginning phases of dialogue to discuss this topic while including many of the graphics I have prepared up to this point. However, after including the needed graphics, an extended introductory essay would make the post too long. Thus, follow-up posts will explain and refer to the relationships among the graphics relative to current economic experiences and associated coordinations (Ideology strategies). Including the influence of religious and biblical interpretations on societal-industry economic development; stereotypes-beliefs-legal influence probabilities; tactics to fraternal obligations using political constituencies / institutions for advantage; resource ownership financing benefits resulting from economic leadership; and the need for reinforced constitutional legal protections against U.S. conservative mystic fraternal intelligence "family" religion economic system genome (s)exploitations orchestrated to create a special operations pronoun narrative for pre-defined demographic solidarity commitments [or development of the argument removing ethnic-based "family" restrictions/obligations on mutually-agreed emotionally healthy, non-exploitive relationships](re: Personal Evidentiary Theory and Relativity Management Theory XX and XY blog posts).
Note: Preferences based upon a statistical sample of population responses (non-significant R2).
U.S. based Development Metric is 1.00, the 0.96 avg reflected in the statistical analysis is a result of non-reconciliation of state population data variability to total population.
Theoretical humankind Influences - How it could conceivably happen
Documents were intentionally not completed to facilitate discussion and thought relative to the philosophical understanding of the United States of America; inhabitants’ rights; individual freedoms and protections (from faith based special operations fraternal orchestrated infiltrated economics human right's violations). It also provides a framework to evaluate the current day activities relative to historically evolved U.S. Constitutional rights and protections for humanity.
Civil Rights!
Human Rights!
*****Disclaimer: Documents created for reflection of existing institutional functions and legal, constitutional comparison considerations, not for consideration of complete system redesign!*****
Some Things to think about!
I must reiterate that I do not support fraternal exploitation based upon "family" traditions and do support the investigation into certain specific fraternal "mystical religion" telecommunication situational setups to exploit stereotypes (psychological conditioning narrative creation) directed toward submission to fraternal narrative commitment [initiation "family" leverage claims and U.S. Southern plan?] for a pre-planned result. Better explained in a corporate industry contracts and conservative, fraternal-church institutional faith-based legislation leverage for economic commitment discussion.
Does belief make it true, correct, or just in a Democratic, constitutional based legal system? Would not leadership that has emerged from a mystical, hierarchial “Order” system attempt to impose the same system of training? With fraternal collaboration, can narratives be created for a predetermined result if part of (protection) the belief system? Does this continuing system deliver the best ongoing results for society or developing global leadership?
Historical economic development of natural resources provided for the continuous improvement of living conditions of humanity through agricultural production, housing, fuels, transportation, and electricity generation among others. Early scale development allowed producers to efficiently grow and provide goods and services for the larger U.S. market. The basis for focused growth was expansion of available skills, training, and education. As human capital development expanded so did opportunities for economic growth and specialization. Consistent with the economic expansion was an evolving, socially inclusive based capital investment allocation via financial markets, entrepreneurial investors, and governments (federal and state). Inclusion of the larger population accelerated market growth and size through expanded wealth distribution and consumption.
Contrary to Democratic societal systems of capitalism, “Trickle Down” economic strategies attempt to consolidate financial capital within a market structure where allocation is focused solely on directed return interests. Benefits of the system "trickle down" to all other economic interests relative to the relationship to financial capital ownership. Another aspect of the ideology is the reduced role of government investment in industry via scientific research and education to provide a more distinctive limitation of Government - Industry regulatory inter-relations. The result of this strategy success would be the accumulation of financial capital within a single industry to determine investment decisions based upon a technical return calculation. Moreover, the country would be further segmented into economic benefit groups relative to development contribution factors limiting economic mobility opportunities.
An example of capital return benefits accumulation follows using a hypothetical scenario of citizen savings/investment and profit (return) distribution given a set of financial industry deposit decisions. In an attempt to reduce complexity, the scenario is based upon the Basic Summary of Business Process graphic presented in earlier discussions. The example analysis basis is the distribution of return on investment within the value chain of banking industry under the “Trickle Down” ideology of capital investment allocations and monetary concentrations (“bubbles”). The example reflects a regional commercial bank return of 15.4% based upon a loan with a 6.8% yield. The difference between the two returns is the accounting calculation. The bank transaction on the balance sheet would include a liability of $1,000,000 (savings/deposit) and assets of $900,000 (IB investment) for a net liability of $100,000 and profit on the liability of $78,503. However, the major point is the difference in return between the savings/investor and the banks (State and Federal Chartered/IB/Hedge Funds) where the proportion of profit sharing may vary somewhere between the 2.5% and 34.9% spread. Explicit in the example are the impacts of pricing gains (valuation) from increasing investment monetary levels and the beneficiaries resulting from the increase and the investment decisions relative to other opportunities. The financial capital concentration signals the need for an adjusted financial system model of “grant” awards identification and investment allocations into other development opportunities greatly expanding the focus.
Graphic documents support and reflect the relationship of topic themes previously discussed for comparison with social organizations, structure, and decision outcome impacts from general stereotype beliefs. I am planning to update the earnings data chart in which I applied the Development Metric methodology for additional commentary on human values, resources and ownership, and limitations (morality) of contractual (industry) terms agreement.