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January 16, 2011

Development and Economic Policy

The Issue with "Trickle Down" Ideology
Historical economic development of natural resources provided for the continuous improvement of living conditions of humanity through agricultural production, housing, fuels, transportation, and electricity generation among others. Early scale development allowed producers to efficiently grow and provide goods and services for the larger U.S. market. The basis for focused growth was expansion of available skills, training, and education. As human capital development expanded so did opportunities for economic growth and specialization. Consistent with the economic expansion was an evolving, socially inclusive based capital investment allocation via financial markets, entrepreneurial investors, and governments (federal and state). Inclusion of the larger population accelerated market growth and size through expanded wealth distribution and consumption.

Contrary to Democratic societal systems of capitalism, “Trickle Down” economic strategies attempt to consolidate financial capital within a market structure where allocation is focused solely on directed return interests. Benefits of the system "trickle down" to all other economic interests relative to the relationship to financial capital ownership. Another aspect of the ideology is the reduced role of government investment in industry via scientific research and education to provide a more distinctive limitation of Government - Industry regulatory inter-relations. The result of this strategy success would be the accumulation of financial capital within a single industry to determine investment decisions based upon a technical return calculation. Moreover, the country would be further segmented into economic benefit groups relative to development contribution factors limiting economic mobility opportunities.

An example of capital return benefits accumulation follows using a hypothetical scenario of citizen savings/investment and profit (return) distribution given a set of financial industry deposit decisions. In an attempt to reduce complexity, the scenario is based upon the Basic Summary of Business Process graphic presented in earlier discussions. The example analysis basis is the distribution of return on investment within the value chain of banking industry under the “Trickle Down” ideology of capital investment allocations and monetary concentrations (“bubbles”). The example reflects a regional commercial bank return of 15.4% based upon a loan with a 6.8% yield. The difference between the two returns is the accounting calculation. The bank transaction on the balance sheet would include a liability of $1,000,000 (savings/deposit) and assets of $900,000 (IB investment) for a net liability of $100,000 and profit on the liability of $78,503. However, the major point is the difference in return between the savings/investor and the banks (State and Federal Chartered/IB/Hedge Funds) where the proportion of profit sharing may vary somewhere between the 2.5% and 34.9% spread. Explicit in the example are the impacts of pricing gains (valuation) from increasing investment monetary levels and the beneficiaries resulting from the increase and the investment decisions relative to other opportunities. The financial capital concentration signals the need for an adjusted financial system model of “grant” awards identification and investment allocations into other development opportunities greatly expanding the focus.

Graphic documents support and reflect the relationship of topic themes previously discussed for comparison with social organizations, structure, and decision outcome impacts from general stereotype beliefs. I am planning to update the earnings data chart in which I applied the Development Metric methodology for additional commentary on human values, resources and ownership, and limitations (morality) of contractual (industry) terms agreement.

January 4, 2011

World Data Comparison III - Europe Economic Development Metric Analysis

Continuing with the usage of the Development Metric, the country listing from the quadrant analysis in the Social Spending and Economics and Assets and Values postings was amended adding the calculated metric. There were no new surprises but it does provide for a better evaluation, excluding earnings distribution, among the countries.[revision 11/17/2011]

Updated 1/27/2011: Sorted the European countries listed from the quadrant analysis by the Development Metric. (Note the metric sorted location of Portugal, Greece, Spain, and Italy in the list).

December 17, 2010

World Data Comparison II

While reviewing more data regarding development around the world, I wanted to find some comparative measure for usage when discussing growing economies and global competition. The leading developed nations and economic strengths in North America and Europe are common knowledge. Much attention has been placed upon the growth in developing countries with a current focus on China and Brazil. So, I decided to look at a relative comparison to assess the economic - political positions to society. For integrated societies with comparable stages of development and resources, there always exists the possibility of disagreement which could lead to non-optimal actions impacting global economies. However, the BRIC nations’ growth appears to be a natural stage of economic development consistent with the European and American enlightenment period when investment was focused upon Math, Sciences, and technological advancement. The US is still 4 times the development of China, but population size is important. China’s economy would be ~$60 Trillion at a similar level of development.

This comparison approach measures world economic activity percentage relative to world population percentage. The development position of economic strength increases as each nation educates and creates opportunity for all of its citizens. 

December 15, 2010

U.S.A. Economic Development

Update 12/21/2010: Just wanted to acknowledge the new US Census population data compared to the estimates used in the worksheets and analysis of this post. The estimate used in the analysis from wikipedia was 0.6% greater than the actual count in the 2010 Census. Because the actual population count is less than the estimate, the US measurement metric increased by 0.01 with similar small adjustments to State metric measures. The impact does not change the narrative assessment of the analysis.

As an extension of previous data analysis of world development, I looked at a comparative assessment of United States economic development as well as some countries around the world using available data from wikipedia and the CIA Fact Book. Primarily, it began as an initiative to find some relative measure to compare activity and levels of development regarding political discussions of states competing for corporate investment. Multiple factors are considered for such activity depending on the objective of the corporation and theoretically, an educated, multi-skilled work force has higher earnings. 

A note of importance: The data is economic activity not individual earnings!

The basic calculation of the measure is the state % of US economic activity divided by the state % of US population [US Basis]. I have additional work on a world basis for the upcoming World Data Comparison II updated blog post. The Development Metric provides a quick comparative level assessment of US development (regions and states). Since the total United States activity is the basis of measurement its metric is 1.00 relative to the individual states, although not reflected for reasons that may be obvious to some. The Metric of 4.44 and 5.37 is the World Economy basis Development Metric.

Obvious economic impacts are (1) the petroleum industry in Texas and Alaska; (2) finance industry in the Northeast; and (3) the political and lobby spending in DC (not a state but included anyway).

Relativity Management Theory XX and XY [Episode II]: Definitions

[Update 12/22/2010]***Ordained meaning given the predetermined ability to choose to procreate and mutually agreed relationship partner choice.****
I have mentioned in a few other blog posts my understanding of human DNA compatibility  questioning the motives behind the social pressures to segregate along ethnic lines. There are cultural differences of which many in the population embrace and adapt. However, the basis supporting the ethnic based social design is seen in the organizational religious structures since US origin.

The United States Constitution establishes the basis for the individual rights of humans (men and women) regarding religion and all other facets of life including the rights of choice. Ideology based in fraternal belonging and "order" has tried to overpower the individual freedoms and collective interests of American citizens with "family" concepts. However defined, the "family" concept essentially attempts to transfer choice and authority away from the individual toward a determined leader with a basis that has generally been ethnic identity. This ideology would reinforce social segmentation and also allow exploitation justification in the name of fallibility subjugating society to "family" leader(s). Meaning that the "family" leaders would also be responsible for the exploitation of women and children to maintain power and authority. If this leadership is religion based, then the "family" religion is contributing to the sexploitation morality and targeted forced procreation violating all protection and value preservation of humanity ordained predetermined choice to women. Furthermore, this overly focused attention on sex morality would lead to an irrational justification violating mutually agreed free choice, relationships, and privacy.

Where are your political-fraternal-church offerings going and are they used by the "family" to maintain "order"? [Personal Note] I am a heterosexual male; do not have any children; not part of nor have interest in any organized American Greek fraternal association; and do not worship in a religion that supports such human exploitation in the name of infiltrated  "family" unity, power as proof, and literal biblical interpretations to control [religious tests for information - fraternal rites of commitment]. Such unchecked authority allows infringement of the innocent with actions not otherwise responsible. Theoretically, this situation probability is evident in the multiple fraternal structures of U.S. church worship with Masonic, Greek fraternal, and other clan associations to maintain a "traditional" society. So, to which group would elected officials have loyalty? Political representative oaths are to uphold the U.S. Constitution and all the protections guaranteed to American citizens and humanity. Are there other deals using religion and "family" identity commitment(s) - [human and humankind]? Can a person represent the U.S. Government if they do not believe in Constitutional rights of the individual?

Hypothetically, the historical practice of religious traditions are designed to support a social order of which allows manipulation resulting from the authority structure. Certain organized religious designs have been conditioned to intentional situations of falter, submission to authority, and then obligation from reward as a result of the submission. A literal interpretation of human and humankind could recognize a difference in abilities not necessarily associated with ethnic identity. However, it would confirm other existences (God, angels, universal life, astrology, etc..) beyond earth relative to scientific understanding for those that believe in such explanations. Within this hypothetical, the procreation exploitation is evident as an opportunity to introduce, expand, and evolve humankind within the society. It would also support dysfunction relative to the establishment of healthy, free choice relationships of commitment while promoting conflict within demographic competition in pursuit to control the Human Genome. Literal interpretations can be speciously used to benefit certain deceptive agendas if there are no checks and balances in interpretation. Focus on a common ethnic identity does not change issues of resource allocation, access, and basic standards of living for humanity. Stereotypes are another attempt to justify actions and to maintain psychological "order." 

I will expand upon this explanation and reasoning in a future post regarding the evolution of civilizations and economic development of Earth based partly on information in the Ancient Alien (season 1) history channel DVD relevant to real and hypothetical explanations of applicable social systems; mainly, career achievements through training and immersion of the fraternal "order" ideology. Is "family" leadership ideology assumed in the Christian church African traditions? Could this be the philosophical basis to orchestrate parings relative to the traditional skin color biases using human genome knowledge?

Related Definitions:
pol·i·tics – noun 
1) the science or art of political government.
2) the practice or profession of conducting political affairs.
5) political principles or opinions.
6) use of intrigue or strategy in obtaining any position of power or control.

or·ches·trate -- verb, -trat·ed, -trat·ing.
2) To arrange or manipulate, esp. by means of clever or thorough planning or maneuvering.

a·gen·cy –   jən  sē)n., pl. –cies.
1) An organization, company or bureau that provides some service for another. 
2) A company having a franchise to represent another.
3) A governmental bureau, or an office that represents it.
4) The place of business of an agent.
8) The relationship between a principal and his or her agent.
9) The state of being in action or of exerting power; operation.
10) A means of exerting power or influence; instrumentality.

False dilemma
The logical fallacy of false dilemma (also called the either-or fallacy) involves a situation in which only two alternatives are considered, when in fact there are other options. Closely related are failing to consider a range of options. When a list of more than two choices is offered, but there are other choices not mentioned, then the fallacy is called the fallacy of false choice.